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So long all


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I have requested to be banned form the site. I can not deal with the hypocritical know it all attitudes here any longer. Best of luck to all.

Cant let a couple that have a little finger power get to you. As i said in another thread. This is a great site for Ny hunters but a change or two would help. Such as is life... Cant agree with everyone!

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Requested to be banned ??

Is that like volunteering for the draft ??

Why go through the motions ?? Wouldn't it be easier just to stop visiting this site, or just stop posting ??

Any way good luck.. I , for one will miss your posts.

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For F$%^ sakes some one should just say it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop being a damn drama queen pull up your big girl pantys and man up

Life is full of all kinds of opinions and people stop cring about what you dont like and just go away ................oooorrrr stop whining and play like a big boy ...............

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