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Ct Senator wants Fox not to broadcast race because of NRA Sponsership

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So anyone who is on the fence in terms of joining the NRA, here is a good display of how much the gun confiscators fear the effectiveness of the NRA. They know that the only thing keeping guns in the hands of private citizens is the organized efforts of the NRA. If you are wondering what you can do to fight this lunacy and efforts to remove the guns from the hands of legitimate citizens, the answer should be getting pretty obvious.

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That Senator is an ignorant fool considering how many gun manufacturers are employing residents of CT.  I feel it's just a matter of time before the firearm companies pack up and head to friendlier states.  The companies are already being solicited by Texas and other states. 

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Isnt it funny how the same ppl who cry for gun control and claim "the 2nd amendment is outdated" and "it only applies to deer hunting not to AR-15's" would fly into a RAGE if we DARED suggest that there right of free speech is "outdated" and only applies to the media... or something similar

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