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If the woods seem dead, do you grunt or rattle?


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Theres not much to it, find some sheds or if your gonna spend money buy a set or one of those bags.  I perfer the real thing however those primos antlers have a pretty good sound to them, but thier like 25 dollars and I can't justify spending money on something I can find in the woods.  Also a good grunt tube of your choice, I like the buck roar, sounds great and adjust to every sound.  Bang them together with grunt during before and after, I also like to start with a snort wheeze kinda set the stage for the fight.  Bucks will fight anywheres from 30 sec. to 20 mins so time isn't really a big deal, and if your on the ground rake them in the trees and through the leaves when bucks are really fighting thier not quiet about it.  What you need to pay attention to is deer coming in if your still banging those horns together when he walks in he's gonna pick you off and you'll never see him again.  The best way to learn is get out there and screw up lol worked for me. 

Good Luck


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I've had success with rattling and grunting.  I don't wait until it's dead in the woods though.  I'll use them anytime I think the time is right.  I've grunted a few bucks into bow range when they wouldn't have come in otherwise and have rattled a few bucks in when I knew they were around.

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Ive tried rattling with no success yet. Grunting, Ive had some, but its usually fawn bleats that work for me. I just got the can last year, tied it with no luck.

Pretty much the exact same story for me last year, except I had a decent buck come in to the grunt tube/estrus can.  Rangefinder should keep my itchy release finger under control this year.  "Yeah that looks like 40 yards!"

Haven't had a buck come in to rattling yet though. 

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calls work, its the over use of them can shoot you in the foot. "Irregular" calling so to speak... grunt calls work, i usually use doe bleets. the drury's doe bleet and primos can usually works great for me.

just with any calling don't call to much and put sounds out there that a deer would question.

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Calling sure does work... The last 3 or 4 bucks I killed with my bow came into calls..

I have friends who are much better bow hunters than myself, who won't even HUNT unless conditions are right for calling,,,

I have rattled several bucks in, but have had much better success just "tickling" the antlers, rather than making all that racket that the TV guys do...

I have had much more success with a grunt call.... I have done best with a low steady grunt, but some of my buddies have done well with more aggressive grunting....

I have had much more success calling in pre-rut..During rut, most bucks are pre-occupied with does and much less responsible to calls, IMHO... Still, it is another tool to try.. It can work at any time..

As far as calling during gun season, I have not done it much... I spend most of my time during gun season hunting escape routes or food sources..

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