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Found the buck...


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I'll be hunting this fall...Ya said tongue in cheek...you know me...I've never shot a buck that I've seen preseason...but this guy is awesome!...Rolled out of bed and the sky's said you better get going before your morning coffee...so off I went...didn't take the cam because I was soaked to the bone yesterday...by the way I just walked through the door and it's pouring...

Any how I was looking for and picking wild strawberries...no taste...and caught  bright red out the corner of my eye and slowly stood up...he was standing 200ft from me watching and I had to blink a couple of times to make sure my eyes weren't blurring.....he has a rack like a long horn and as early as it is ...it's several inches past either ear! and there are several "fingers" and bumps on each beam...but the size of his body is what was really amazing to me...I've seen some mighty big deer around here...and he has got to have the biggest girth and chest width I've seen ever....he was on the edge of a swampy area not far from our place so there is a chance that should he move from summer bedding feeding he could move our way.......I decided to just keep on walking past him and he watched me as I past..I had my sun hat on(well bug stay away hat this summer...no sun) and kept my head low and peeked at him from the side...he waited until I pasted then turned and went in the opposite direction....Well that will keep my little brain busy all summer thru fall....lol



Edited by growalot
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Sounds like a good one Grow!

Just gotta get him to step in front of one of your cams so we can have a look at him too.

With all the hiking I've been doing this year, I've yet to even see a "decent buck" around here or even catch one on cam. Lots of yearlings, but not one big dude so far.

Many of the crop fields here haven't even been planted this year. This really isn't a big agg area to begin with, so this could be the year of few quality buck sightings on my turf. Hope you get a pic or two of the beast!

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Me too...only thing is I moved all the cams to areas closer to the house to avoid temptation on checking them....I'm so bad... :whistle:

I was hoping with getting the field next door back...no corn...and it being in oats and clover...which is growing very slow..???....I'd be getting some good afternoon or morning shots like these older ones...not a single deer...fox...rabbit...crow...nothing has gone into that field..I haven't a clue??

The bucks in these pics..I never saw again during season the years I took the pics

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I always wonder where the big boys are preseason???? My uncle who takes a nice 6 or 8 every year off his 30 acres only sees does on his trail cams. Then once the magic of November hits, the big boys are everywhere.

I'm hoping that I'm able to see some better deer this year at my place. We passed on a couple of younger bucks hoping that they would stick around for this year?

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Not my property .....but I do have many stands and blinds not far from all the swamp areas near by...last years buck  was running off our place headed for the one swamp .....when we connected.... I've downed many buck and doe moving on and off our place from both pine woods and swamps on others lands...

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Not my property .....but I do have many stands and blinds not far from all the swamp areas near by...last years buck  was running off our place headed for the one swamp .....when we connected.... I've downed many buck and doe moving on and off our place from both pine woods and swamps on others lands...

That is how we kill them on my property. Pine forest and swamp all around us. They usually come through our place using it as an escape rout. 

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