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Sweeney Response Letter to me


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But isn't that how you work? I recall YOU calling out the ones on defense and not the offenders multiple times. Funny now that the tables have turned. Just letting you know how it feels on the short end.

PS, I do agree about the moron part.


When I call people out, or ask them to stop doing something, its either because they are breaking the rules and I point them out specifically, or I just give everyone a general request to stop. If I have ever "picked on" someone specifically and wrongfully, please, point it out to me. Ill be more than glad to correct it and apologize.


Careful, belo will smack you down with a "witty" picture someone pasted text into.

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When I call people out, or ask them to stop doing something, its either because they are breaking the rules and I point them out specifically, or I just give everyone a general request to stop. If I have ever "picked on" someone specifically and wrongfully, please, point it out to me. Ill be more than glad to correct it and apologize.


Careful, belo will smack you down with a "witty" picture someone pasted text into.



I think, that just because someone voted for the Safe Act, doesn't mean they are against hunting, two totally different topics in my opinion.........and yes, I'll accept the beatings as they come.







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Yes two totally different topics. The hunting one is secondary. if a rep is willing to step on the Constitution what makes you think that you can count on them for anything? You can support him because he has this one stance that is in line with you (And I guess there could be more or many more of his stances you agree with) But I believe that any Rep that voted Yay on that law should be opposed ant every turn. If NYB supports him becasue of his crossbow view and they are willing to turn their back on what he did, that speaks volumes about them and reinforces my view of them.


Personally I don not think any legislation should be stonewalled regardless if I agree with it or not. It should go to vote and then we get to hold our Reps accountable if they vote contrary to our views.

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Yes two totally different topics. The hunting one is secondary. if a rep is willing to step on the Constitution what makes you think that you can count on them for anything? You can support him because he has this one stance that is in line with you (And I guess there could be more or many more of his stances you agree with) But I believe that any Rep that voted Yay on that law should be opposed ant every turn. If NYB supports him becasue of his crossbow view and they are willing to turn their back on what he did, that speaks volumes about them and reinforces my view of them.


Personally I don not think any legislation should be stonewalled regardless if I agree with it or not. It should go to vote and then we get to hold our Reps accountable if they vote contrary to our views.

I'm not saying I agree with any of his agendas or that I support him.......I certainly think the stance on on infringing on the second amendment is more important than any other topic..........I was just saying they are totally different issues.

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Well he also voted yes on teh Un Safe act so keep telling me how great this pinko Commie is.

I agree. He should be voted out because of his vote on Cuomo's attack on the 2nd Amendment, not something so silly, trivial, and ridiculous as any stance on crossbows. Stay focused on what is important, and that vote on the Safe Act is as good a litmus test as I can imagine for anyone voting for civil rights, and the Constitution. Don't get sidetracked by meaningless, current, trivial issues of the day. I know that the pro-crossbow advocates have whipped themselves into a frenzy over this issue, but try to hold it together for at least one more election and aim your anger at something that is worth getting angry over..

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SO if you were in his district would you vote for him or against him if the election were tomorrow?

I would vote against him due to his vote on the Safe Act, that has more of an overall impact on all of us than his stance on crossbows...............while not a big fan of crossbows during archery, I'm fairly certain allowing them would have as much of a negative affect as the youth hunt will.

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it doesn't take special seasons to motivate the kids to get "into the woods"


my cousin for example, she can probably tell you more about deer behavior than most "hunters" you know she has never been hunting in her life, she grew up in Brooklyn.


how does she know so much? her father my uncle (who hunts) took her into the woods and taught her everything she knows, never with a gun, never with a bow, not during the hunting season just father and daughter walking thru the woods when they were camping/day trips upstate/ ect...


don't look for an Excuse to get your kids into the woods, camping, hiking, climbing   they all get kids off the couch

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Most senators and assemblyman voted for the safe act than did not. Grisanti, who co-sponsored the crossbow bill, is a republican, and the senate equivalent of Sweeney, that is he is also the chair of the encon committee in the senate house. He also voted for the safe act. And, last year, like Sweeney did with the crossbow bill, held pro-hunting legislation in the suspense file for two years until the bill expired. I was interested in the passage of that bill, so instead of attacking Grisanti I am trying to persuade him. NY incumbants are not likely voted out; or leave chair positions; and nearly all voted for the safe act, so this discourse is getting ridiculous.... Like being at a federation meeting minus the stinking smoke...

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Mike, Soyour approach and logic is to say "work with the ones that sold us down the road and try to convince them to see the error of their ways"?  I think we stand a better shot at voting them out. ANY member that voted for it should have a target painted squarely on ther back. (Metaphorically speaking, for the NSA monitors out there)

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Most senators and assemblyman voted for the safe act than did not. Grisanti, who co-sponsored the crossbow bill, is a republican, and the senate equivalent of Sweeney, that is he is also the chair of the encon committee in the senate house. He also voted for the safe act. And, last year, like Sweeney did with the crossbow bill, held pro-hunting legislation in the suspense file for two years until the bill expired. I was interested in the passage of that bill, so instead of attacking Grisanti I am trying to persuade him. NY incumbants are not likely voted out; or leave chair positions; and nearly all voted for the safe act, so this discourse is getting ridiculous.... Like being at a federation meeting minus the stinking smoke...


some good info here. but when we say say "most" voted, lets remember that this is NYS. Most assemblyman in most other states (particularly the south) would not have voted. We have a cultural issue as western and upstate new yorkers here. We have very different lifestyles than those in the big city.

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some good info here. but when we say say "most" voted, lets remember that this is NYS. Most assemblyman in most other states (particularly the south) would not have voted. We have a cultural issue as western and upstate new yorkers here. We have very different lifestyles than those in the big city.

There are only 63 senate districts are much more evenly spread throughout the state. The assembly districts are more numerous and many are clustered in the greater NYC area. We don't have many friends in the greater NYC area. Sweeney is one friend we do have down there, and he happens to be the chairman of the assembly en-con committee. Plus, he is a democrat, so he can build bipartisan support which is essential to getting bills passed. Sweeney is an asset, not a liability to the NY sporting community.
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There are only 63 senate districts are much more evenly spread throughout the state. The assembly districts are more numerous and many are clustered in the greater NYC area. We don't have many friends in the greater NYC area. Sweeney is one friend we do have down there, and he happens to be the chairman of the assembly en-con committee. Plus, he is a democrat, so he can build bipartisan support which is essential to getting bills passed. Sweeney is an asset, not a liability to the NY sporting community.

How can you even say that with a straight face? Are you related? As sportsman and as firearms owners he should be targeted for removal. His stance against the 2nd Ammendment is basis alone.

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we as gun owners have just one criteria that we should use as a litmus test for the next election. That is a litmus test that is well documented as the voting record on the safe act.

It's all very simple. Those that voted for the Safe Act lose your vote to their opposition. That should be followed up by an e-mail or letter that carefully explains why he didn't get your vote. Those that voted against the Safe Act, should get the gun-owner's vote followed immediately by a letter or e-mail explaining exactly why they got your vote. As far as I am concerned, nothing else matters this year. Party affiliation doesn't matter. Ideology doesn't matter. We have just one chance to let these guys know that gun owners are a force to be reckoned with. We need to react to this Safe Act in the only way that they understand. They have to be taught that their votes on gun issues have consequences if we are to be taken seriously as a political force. If we don't react strongly on this, we will just continue the downhill slide of gun owner's rights as legislators begin to learn that they can do as they damn well please without any concern about reactions of their constituents.

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