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Paula, Unless there's a wreck or severe weather you should have no slow downs at all. Takes me 30 min to drive from exit 57 to 50 each morning. Traffic seems to flow well in either direction. With college out now there's less traffic.  

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Should be an easy commute at 7am heading 90 west bound.

Give yourself an extra 1/2 hour head start just in case there's a fender bender heading into the city.

"Rubber-neckers" going your way will slow you down gawking at the train wrecks going the other way.

Avoid the "Big Blue Water Tower" merge at all cost.....

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No way to avoid the blue water tower merge. That will be just after she pays her toll at the Williamsville toll both and then the 90 is toll free until you hit the next section in 7-10 miles or so. Then she'll grab another ticket and head on down to Erie.

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Why not 390 to 86west to 90 west, it connects in pa and there is no traffic any time and no tolls?


She might not want to rattle her teeth or risk a breakdown in the territory..............


Hard to beat the 90 for smooth & fast even if it costs a few bucks.  YMMV.

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