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Excercises for holding steady?


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Chief and Joseph.....Dream on!!!!!

Hahaha...oh the haters! Just as an FYI, I've been doing this particular work out since April. When I first started I was in good shape, 5'10" and 175 lbs. I could barely do a set of 10 pull ups and was struggling to get to 30 per day. Since them I've changed my diet, lost weight, (now at 162 lbs), got back into my boxing work out, and can do a heck of a lot more. I'm not saying I'm Hercules by any means, but I've worked hard to get to the point where I'm at. You can bash me and 15 year old Joe if you want, but since you've never met me, or seen me work out, you should probably just stick to your 12oz curls. Google search "the murph" workout. We also do that once a week.

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Chief I've done the Murph before as well...Pretty cool workout!  If you like that one try the 300 workout that the actors used to get in shape for the movie...Google 300 workout and it should come up...I think you'd like it!  I used it when I was training for the Tough Mudder.

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I started shooting every single day starting 3 arrows at 30,40,50,60,50,40,30,20, 3 arrows at each range,you'll be amazed what it does for stregthining your shoulder and becoming muscle memory intuned with your form and bow, and going from 60 yards to 20 the target looks huge ,I can put 3 arrows in 2" group qt 20 3" at 30 4" at 40 5" at 50 and 6" at 60, just simple as shooting 365 days a year and its just like every,other thing that takes skill in the world, the more ya do it, the better you get ,

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We used to have some targets set up on company property at work where a bunch of us guys would go out at noon and practice shooting the bows. I had the bow set for around 70# back then. One of the guys from work spotted us and decided to come over and watch. I asked him if he wanted to try a couple shots. This guy was a huge guy with a pretty muscular build so I really didn't think there would be a problem. Yeah, you guessed it. He couldn't get the bow drawn, even after several tries. I on the other hand could shoot the thing for hours even though I am rather average in terms of build.


The point is that there are very unique and specialized muscles used in drawing and holding a bow. Frankly, I don't think there are any simulation exercises that can beat simple repetitive practice using your bow as an exercise tool.

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