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Catskill Hunter

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It's social media, post something and you better expect all kinds of responses. (especially if there is a picture or video showing something illegal) You can view it as being too harsh but these guys are stating the obvious. I noticed the corn buy didn't say anything.

I also knew that there would be some comments about the illegal corn and OP better have some thick skin. Hunters are some very passionate people.

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I just joined this forum in hopes that I can share my season. This is the first thread that jumped out at me. Being new I was going to keep my mouth shut but I seem to have an issue with doing that. The negative comments on here are very disturbing to say the least. Everyone seems to like to jump on the " illegal " band wagon right away. While I can see both point of views here, to think everyone in this forum has never put out a bio rock or mineral site or some acorn rage etc is pretty naive. We all woke up one morning learning some of our guns are now illegal ! did we all jump on that bandwagon ? Some of us plant food plots ( myself included ) while that is legal in NY to do, Guess what ! it's baiting deer. Some of you admitted to putting scrape drippers out, Guess what ! you are baiting deer. I put all my money into my food plots which I hunt right over so I dont spread corn but really I am baiting deer to come in to me even though it's legal.


I dont agree with catskill hunter about spreading corn but some of the comments here ,,,,really? Most of my hunting is in the Richfield Spring area but I do hunt the Catskills and I can show you 1/2 a dozen tree stands with corn feeders next to them which were put out by the "locals" I can show you where they park their quads to get to their stands which is very illegal in the catskills.  I have climbed a mountain for an hr to hunt only to have a NY registered quad pass me !! talk about frustrating. I hear gun shots from dark until morning when I am there. I am not saying anyone here does it but  some do.


Someone here says " this is my kind of forum " that makes me not want to post on this forum now. A simple " nice video, thanks for posting" would have been enough. So instead of seeing an opportunity to show you cock feathers and pound your chest lets try to stay positive and REALISTIC. Just sayin


Oh please. I have never put out bait, as its illegal. I plant food plots, because they are legal. Baiting vs Food Plots is a whole different subject, and has nothing to do with the subject matter in this thread. Weather baiting should be legal is also not the point here. If you believe that law breakers shouldnt be called out for their actions, then you are just as big of a problem as the law breakers are. The people breaking the law are the negative, not the ones calling them out for it.


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I just joined this forum in hopes that I can share my season. This is the first thread that jumped out at me. Being new I was going to keep my mouth shut but I seem to have an issue with doing that. The negative comments on here are very disturbing to say the least. Everyone seems to like to jump on the " illegal " band wagon right away. While I can see both point of views here, to think everyone in this forum has never put out a bio rock or mineral site or some acorn rage etc is pretty naive. We all woke up one morning learning some of our guns are now illegal ! did we all jump on that bandwagon ? Some of us plant food plots ( myself included ) while that is legal in NY to do, Guess what ! it's baiting deer. Some of you admitted to putting scrape drippers out, Guess what ! you are baiting deer. I put all my money into my food plots which I hunt right over so I dont spread corn but really I am baiting deer to come in to me even though it's legal.


I dont agree with catskill hunter about spreading corn but some of the comments here ,,,,really? Most of my hunting is in the Richfield Spring area but I do hunt the Catskills and I can show you 1/2 a dozen tree stands with corn feeders next to them which were put out by the "locals" I can show you where they park their quads to get to their stands which is very illegal in the catskills.  I have climbed a mountain for an hr to hunt only to have a NY registered quad pass me !! talk about frustrating. I hear gun shots from dark until morning when I am there. I am not saying anyone here does it but  some do.


Someone here says " this is my kind of forum " that makes me not want to post on this forum now. A simple " nice video, thanks for posting" would have been enough. So instead of seeing an opportunity to show you cock feathers and pound your chest lets try to stay positive and REALISTIC. Just sayin



Hey! I have never used acorn crush, sugar beet crush, corn, apples or deer cane (powder or liquid) to attract deer to a specific trail camera! If you have, then that's messed up. Enough said.

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Just because a lot of people you see are doing something doesn't make it right or legal and it certainly doesn't mean all hunters do it.  Fine.  If you think some of us do, that's your opinion.  That doesn't mean the rest of us who don't can't voice our opinions as well.

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Not trying to start a pissing match, seems my opinion on here doesnt count. Anyone realistic here would know that everyones comments on here about their hunting ethics are pretty much here say without knowing the poster personally. Our focus should be on poachers, anti hunters and our Gov. wanting our guns not someone that threw out a cup of corn. I am not condoning anything illegal and " calling out " someone on it as you say is fine but you guys are just getting nasty with it, you said your point now move on

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baiting and poaching are on the same level in NY. When someone videos their illegal actions and then posts it on a public internet forum, they are pretty much putting their ethics, or lack thereof, on full display.


Nobody said your opinion doesnt count, but I did say that your expressed opinion is just as damaging to legal hunters' reputations as the person actually committing the illegal act. If you think you are going to sit there and say that I or anyone else is being a big meanie, or hypocrite, and not respond to it, well Id say you are the one being unrealistic.

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Not trying to start a pissing match, seems my opinion on here doesnt count. Anyone realistic here would know that everyones comments on here about their hunting ethics are pretty much here say without knowing the poster personally. Our focus should be on poachers, anti hunters and our Gov. wanting our guns not someone that threw out a cup of corn. I am not condoning anything illegal and " calling out " someone on it as you say is fine but you guys are just getting nasty with it, you said your point now move on


Just because so far no one has agreed with your opinion doesn't mean your opinion doesn't count.

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baiting and poaching are on the same level in NY. When someone videos their illegal actions and then posts it on a public internet forum, they are pretty much putting their ethics, or lack thereof, on full display.


Nobody said your opinion doesnt count, but I did say that your expressed opinion is just as damaging to legal hunters' reputations as the person actually committing the illegal act. If you think you are going to sit there and say that I or anyone else is being a big meanie, or hypocrite, and not respond to it, well Id say you are the one being unrealistic.

Sorry, but I dont agree that throwing some corn in front of a doe is the same as poaching, and I am not accusing anyone here of baiting or doing anything illegal. All i said was to think someone here hasnt used feed at one point is naive. Posting it is a different story but everyone screws up. Poaching is a serious offense and to put catskill hunter in that category is not fair. He may be one, I dont know but based on that video I am not willing to say he is. 


Telling him he screwed up by putting corn out and it is not legal is fine but putting him in a poaching category is wrong. Everyone made their point and now it's a pissing match and nothing positive. 

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There really no discussion here...he did something that is illegal in NYS period...for cameras.....a nice view out the kitchen window or hunting...illegal...when called out he returned with I know some of you out there do it....what did he or you HHH expect ? for no one to answer such  a comment as if to say OK....It's not OK he chose to defend an illegal act and is being told hey not OK to condition deer to humans with food all summer before n army of hunter go out looking for them...It's not OK that some young kids /hunters may be reading these comments going Ohh cool I'd like to try that...

All HE had to do was say..ya know I was wrong and it shouldn't happen....Now if he goes out and shoots a really nice buck and wants to brag ...like any of us....Well it may not have the credit given it may deserve

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I just joined this forum in hopes that I can share my season. This is the first thread that jumped out at me. Being new I was going to keep my mouth shut but I seem to have an issue with doing that. The negative comments on here are very disturbing to say the least. Everyone seems to like to jump on the " illegal " band wagon right away. While I can see both point of views here, to think everyone in this forum has never put out a bio rock or mineral site or some acorn rage etc is pretty naive. We all woke up one morning learning some of our guns are now illegal ! did we all jump on that bandwagon ? Some of us plant food plots ( myself included ) while that is legal in NY to do, Guess what ! it's baiting deer. Some of you admitted to putting scrape drippers out, Guess what ! you are baiting deer. I put all my money into my food plots which I hunt right over so I dont spread corn but really I am baiting deer to come in to me even though it's legal.

I dont agree with catskill hunter about spreading corn but some of the comments here ,,,,really? Most of my hunting is in the Richfield Spring area but I do hunt the Catskills and I can show you 1/2 a dozen tree stands with corn feeders next to them which were put out by the "locals" I can show you where they park their quads to get to their stands which is very illegal in the catskills. I have climbed a mountain for an hr to hunt only to have a NY registered quad pass me !! talk about frustrating. I hear gun shots from dark until morning when I am there. I am not saying anyone here does it but some do.

Someone here says " this is my kind of forum " that makes me not want to post on this forum now. A simple " nice video, thanks for posting" would have been enough. So instead of seeing an opportunity to show you cock feathers and pound your chest lets try to stay positive and REALISTIC. Just sayin

Illegal is illegal. A site that harbors criminals and gives them praise will surely fail. This isn't the kind of site thy I would like to belong to, as I'm sure many feel the same way. That's why people speak up. We, as hunters, already have an uphill battle with the general public, don't need any law breakers amongst us.

If you feel that he did nothing wrong, and even after pointing out to him that what he did was in fact illegal and he basically shrugged it off and went on the offensive to accuse others of doing the same(sounds familiar in your post too) then perhaps you and him should join a more illegal friendly site to share your common interests.

He's very lucky no one on the site is serious enough to report him to the DEC, yet.

Just sayin.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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Sorry, but I dont agree that throwing some corn in front of a doe is the same as poaching, and I am not accusing anyone here of baiting or doing anything illegal. All i said was to think someone here hasnt used feed at one point is naive. Posting it is a different story but everyone screws up. Poaching is a serious offense and to put catskill hunter in that category is not fair. He may be one, I dont know but based on that video I am not willing to say he is. 


Telling him he screwed up by putting corn out and it is not legal is fine but putting him in a poaching category is wrong. Everyone made their point and now it's a pissing match and nothing positive. 


Baiting is a serious offense, and conditioning a WILD deer to not fear humans is a horrible disservice to that animal. You say they arent in the same category, I say they are. Noone is saying that "someone here" hasnt used feed, I said I dont use it. I also said that your broad sweeping accusation of


"to think everyone in this forum has never put out a bio rock or mineral site or some acorn rage etc is pretty naive."


is complete horse manure. You sir, are the negativity in this thread, right along with the OP.

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Baiting is a serious offense, and conditioning a WILD deer to not fear humans is a horrible disservice to that animal. You say they arent in the same category, I say they are. Noone is saying that "someone here" hasnt used feed, I said I dont use it. I also said that your broad sweeping accusation of

"to think everyone in this forum has never put out a bio rock or mineral site or some acorn rage etc is pretty naive."

is complete horse manure. You sir, are the negativity in this thread, right along with the OP.

Baiting can e viewed as a more serious offense than poaching. When you poach, you are potentially harvesting one deer. When you bait, you are potentially spreading a disease that can kill many many deer, or in an extreme case, wipe out an entire herd.

Just sayin

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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Can we all just knock it off!!


holy cow, only one person knows the real story about this video because they were nice enough to message and discuss rather than judge me. At least I was man enough to take responsibility for the corn being there. Now I am a poacher ???? lol amazing. I admitted I was wrong but that is not enough for this lynch mob. I dont know what everyone wants. We all have screwed up at one point and if you say you didnt well shame on you. I said I was sorry so I did all I can do

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Baiting can e viewed as a more serious offense than poaching. When you poach, you are potentially harvesting one deer. When you bait, you are potentially spreading a disease that can kill many many deer, or in an extreme case, wipe out an entire herd.

Just sayin

X-Calibur Lighting Systems



You're right I guess I am worse than a poacher

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