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Ok....What did you forget


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Here is one for you young fellow. Don't bother with a bottle , stopped doing that 40 years ago.Had to go real bad ( on the ground ) peed on a tree stump,posted 20 yards fom the tree ,had 5 does and a spike walk up to the stump and smell it and walk slowly away.Another , last week cutting fire wood and clearing brush with my tractor bucket,pleanty of bare spots, had to go did it in a opening on fresh ground, Set up a trail camera afterwoods,that night a doe went to the spot and peed in it,the next morning a definate shooter buck came to the same spot and made a scrape. And that's the truth.  


we used to pee in our mock scrapes. not sure why we stopped, i'm not sure the stuff in the bottle is that much better.

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Haven't gone out yet but a few years ago, forgot my release.  Realized it once I got to my stand.  Decided to just go scout out a new tree I had been thinking about putting a stand in.  Got to that tree and sure enough, a little 6 point walked right by me about 20-30 yards.  Gave me a great shot too!  All I could do was let him walk and enjoy the encounter. 

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yeah and last night didn't go to the stand I wanted to. Instead I went to a stand the "wind" dictated I should. Yup you guessed it. Bachelor group of 6 bucks and two of them were ones I was looking for walked within 10 yards of THAT stand. Not the one I was in. I had to settle for watching them walk by it at about 90 yards. Obviously the deer have not read the same articles and books I have...lol 

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Heres a good one...get to my spot today and its warm out of course. Figure ill throw on the new light pants and hoodie i got on clearance. Thank god they were in a different bag than my normal stuff! Guess she forgot to wash these separate lol not sure deer will like the smell of gain or tide:p

Sent from my SCH-I200 using Tapatalk 2

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