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      My name is Glenn looks like i will miss another hunting season currently serving in Afganistan with the US ARMY,dont take our rights and our beautiful land and our freedoms for granted,we still have the best country in the world take my word for it,

                    Be safe this year guys and get the big one Glenn

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Welcome to the forum Glenn!  Sorry to hear you'll miss the season, but glad to hear from a soldier deployed in Krapistan.  You make me proud.  I believe hunters make the best soldiers.

If you can't hunt in NY this year, hunt what you can over there!


May God Watch Over You And Protect You!

BTW< where in NY do you hail from?

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Welcome Glenn.

Sorry to hear youll miss another season.

Stay safe over there and most of all THANK YOU AND ALL YOUR BROTHERS STANDING AND FALLEN  for helping protect this nation and the American way of living. Without men like yourselves, this country would not be the great place we all take for granted on a daily basis.  I am grateful. Stay safe and best of luck.

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Welcome aboard Glenn. As others have said,

THANK YOU and your fellow servicemen for protecting & fighting for the freedoms we so often take for granted back here in the states.

Give a shout out, as biggamefish suggested, for anything we could do for you guys over there..

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