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Will checking my rifle ruin my hunt tomorrow?


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It is a noise.  They do not associate it with being shot. We have actually cut wood and have deer come to see what was going on with the saws running.  The guy next door to my property has to sight his rifle in the sunday afternoon of early ml weekend in the north.  He shoots half the afternoon, and we still see deer.  I usually sit on the ridge next to where he shoots.  He leaves at 2 the deer hit the field at 5 or so.  About 10 years ago or so, I was hunting a piece of farm land I had permission to hunt. It was early ml season.  I shot a nice doe with 8 other deer on the field at about 230 pm.  I took care of her drug her into the tall grass and got back in the stand.  20 minutes later, there were 4 deer back in the field.  Human activity more than noise will spook them.  

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Fire away. I had a group of guys come hunt with me in kansas and I took them to a sand pit to take a couple shots before the morning hunt the next day. After all 8 of them got done blowing 100 rounds for fun more than target practice a 163 inch buck crept into the corner of the sand pit as we all stood there bsing. One of the guys noticed him first and turned around and looked at me like he saw a ghost and asked if he could take him. I said sure season opened today man if you want him have at it. Sure enough he nailed him with a free hand 175 yard shot. He was a happy man lol. I was too because instead of hunting all week he got to help me take down bow stands and cameras and move his buddies around to different stands haha.

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