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So sick of my family hunting practices


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This is the type of response I would expect from someone who does the same things.  Not saying you are, just saying I would think that


If they shot one of the people in the hunting party with these antics would you condone that too?  Illegal is illegal family friend or enemy.  All the time on here we see all kinds of posts about trespassers poachers and all sorts of things we pretty much all do not condone to include neighbors shooting legally on their property. .  But when it is family we are ok with it.  How do we know that one of the complaints we read on here isn't about them.  The first post that was up about dad taking a nice buck not tagging it and saying he was going to hunt in this guys stand, I said then turn it in.  By not doing so or at least saying next time I will, you condone the behavior.  Man up or move on.  


I am certainly not in favor of this type of behavior , i throw away perfectly good tags every year because i didn't take a questionable shot and before you know the season is over and no deer have been taken . Not an easy decision to make when you consider that he is watching his family do this, he has emotional bonds to these people ,which is where it becomes hard to just go straight to the law .   


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Poaching is much more common than its made out to be. Do I support it? No. BUT would I call the DEC on my family for it? No. I stick to the rules, and hope others do too but the consequences are too serious that I wouldn't call in a close friend or family member. I think that's messed up to be the whistle blower.

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I think that's messed up to be the whistle blower.


I'm going out on a limb in saying...... I don't think you really mean that?...For God forbid someone one you love is injured due to greed or known negligence by a product....surgeon...company...because someone thought "it's messed up to be the whistle blower" ....


(missed a word)

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I'm going out on a limb in saying...... I don't think you really mean that?...For God forbid someone one you love is injured due to greed or known negligence by a product....surgeon...company...because someone thought "it's messed up to be the whistle blower" ....

(missed a word)

irrelevant. No one is being injured by a person shooting a deer. End of discussion.
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Better hope he doesn't live with dad or calling the po po may have him looking for a new residence, hard call on what to do I wouldn't turn them in but I wouldn't be hunting with or around them, hunting is a few months a year family is year round ????????

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This is the type of response I would expect from someone who does the same things. Not saying you are, just saying I would think that

If they shot one of the people in the hunting party with these antics would you condone that too? Illegal is illegal family friend or enemy. All the time on here we see all kinds of posts about trespassers poachers and all sorts of things we pretty much all do not condone to include neighbors shooting legally on their property. . But when it is family we are ok with it. How do we know that one of the complaints we read on here isn't about them. The first post that was up about dad taking a nice buck not tagging it and saying he was going to hunt in this guys stand, I said then turn it in. By not doing so or at least saying next time I will, you condone the behavior. Man up or move on.

So your saying that if your father who raised you for 18 years didn't a deer you would blow him and and get him stripped of hunting privileges?

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So your saying that if your father who raised you for 18 years didn't a deer you would blow him and and get him stripped of hunting privileges?

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Yup ask my brother.  He will tell you I would because I did to him.  Funny part he is in prison for different charges and I am still obeying the law.  I do not see how we all complain about this then condone it when it is family. Illegal is illegal regardless of who it is.  If you knew your father was robbing banks or molesting  kids would you say oh it is family blood is thicker?


Cusehunter the truth is almost all hunting incidents where people get shot it is by their own party members at close range and almost always while they are doing something illegal.  That is the way it is.  

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Yup ask my brother.  He will tell you I would because I did to him.  Funny part he is in prison for different charges and I am still obeying the law.  I do not see how we all complain about this then condone it when it is family. Illegal is illegal regardless of who it is.  If you knew your father was robbing banks or molesting  kids would you say oh it is family blood is thicker?


Cusehunter the truth is almost all hunting incidents where people get shot it is by their own party members at close range and almost always while they are doing something illegal.  That is the way it is.  


If the guy was molesting kids or robbing banks then the decision would not be so hard to make , do you turn family members in for speeding or running a red light?


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Yup ask my brother. He will tell you I would because I did to him. Funny part he is in prison for different charges and I am still obeying the law. I do not see how we all complain about this then condone it when it is family. Illegal is illegal regardless of who it is. If you knew your father was robbing banks or molesting kids would you say oh it is family blood is thicker?

Cusehunter the truth is almost all hunting incidents where people get shot it is by their own party members at close range and almost always while they are doing something illegal. That is the way it is.

I don't condone it but one less deer in the woods is better then snitching on a family member none the less my own father

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This is not a cry for help. He did not ask for help he ranted and moved on same as the first time. Or I am guessing he did not get first crack at the deer.

First crack at what deer? The ones they shot up. Nope I wasn't even there. I don't hunt state land during gun season. I stick to my private land I lease. They were out on stand land blasting away like the rest of the pumpkin brigade.

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Tracking a deer is worse than shooting it 3 times.

Most people track... I think you meant tracking a wounded deer. However ill still say that flailing away isn't ideal either at the best you miss or waste some good meat. At the worst your follow up shot is low probability and could wound a deer that had been clean missed.

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