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So you would lie and say it wasn't you?

it's ok, he has special training that allows him to operate outside of the law..........if you hold this title "certified safety professional", you're allowed to bend the rules, at least that's what I think he was saying.

Edited by jjb4900
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He advocates illegal activities on an Internet forum, under the disguise of never posting his identity and picture in fear of losing his job. I would say the answer to that us a big, fat, YES.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


i posted my picture. I've never admitted to doing anything. you need to get off my nuts. why you have such a hardon for me is beyond me.

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So do you have to cheat to get a deer or not?  Do your narcissistic personality traits allow it for you.  You know above the law no one will catch me and if they do, they are in the wrong.  I noticed now you have avoided it twice with asenine little pics.  I mean the answer is obvious in your posts but admitting it is the first step to getting over it.  I can help you with this and will not even charge you because honestly you can not afford me.  But we all also know that you love the attention from as you see us your understudies. Kind of like the king who demands people pay attention then feel so good when they do.  

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So do you have to cheat to get a deer or not? Do your narcissistic personality traits allow it for you. You know above the law no one will catch me and if they do, they are in the wrong. I noticed now you have avoided it twice with asenine little pics. I mean the answer is obvious in your posts but admitting it is the first step to getting over it. I can help you with this and will not even charge you because honestly you can not afford me. But we all also know that you love the attention from as you see us your understudies. Kind of like the king who demands people pay attention then feel so good when they do.

Bubba, I said I would shoot a big deer before legal light if i felt it was safe, I also said I never have. Is that still not clear?

And trust me bud, I could afford you. Whatever it is you're offering anyhow.

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I am offering psychiatric treatment and counseling to help you get over the stuff I mentioned above.  And I guarantee you can not afford a hundred bucks an hour well maybe one hour.  So now you are back peddling and saying you never shot a deer outside legal hours?  Another classic sign. So sad.  Get some help.  next you will be fire marshall Bill 

Edited by bubba
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Holey hell what happend to this thread... i will say that around here

people who hunt fields shoot way before 705 but there's

also no dec presance i hear shots all night even at 1 or 2 in

the morning...it could be a coyote hunter with a shotgun

but that would be wishful thinking.....but after hunting

the same property for over 10 years i can say most

of the neighboring propertys start shooting atleast 15 minutes

before legal time and the guys that hunt the fields

lol lets just say that if its a full moon they are shooting....scary to

hear ......good luck guys back to hunting..

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It's 655 in Ontario. The birds are chirping and have been since 645 and I can see very well. Even in the pines. Neighbor just shot so I'm calling the DEC. Sunrise is 718...



That would be the best thing to do.  But we all know the rules are no biggie to you.  Send the answers in a pm.  Not the first time

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