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Governor Announces Support for Crossbows in NY


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after reading the last few posts, it's fairly obvious that along with the totally anti gun people, there are even pro gun people who have no problem with the Safe Act being passed.........TODAY it doesn't effect me either nor do crossbows, who knows what tomorrow may bring.

None of the provisions have any impact on you?

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Are you freaking kidding me? How do you figure it doesn't effect you?

I hunt with shotguns, bolt action rifles, or a crossbow. I don't buy ammo. How does it affect me? I don't agree with the safe act, but it's not eating me alive that it was passed. I honestly, never think twice about it. I don't even know when it officially took effect.

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I hunt with shotguns, bolt action rifles, or a crossbow. I don't buy ammo. How does it affect me? I don't agree with the safe act, but it's not eating me alive that it was passed. I honestly, never think twice about it. I don't even know when it officially took effect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ever going to get a pistol permit?

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I hunt with shotguns, bolt action rifles, or a crossbow. I don't buy ammo. How does it affect me? I don't agree with the safe act, but it's not eating me alive that it was passed. I honestly, never think twice about it. I don't even know when it officially took effect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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As a citizen...it's your responsibility to be a bit afraid of it...how and why do you think the Constitution came about?
Grow, I graduated magna cum laude from IC in history...specifically pre-civil war era US.

I'm sticking with my statement..I am a citizen, I am part of the government, and I do not fear it because my unalienable legal rights are protected under our system of laws.

I'm also a greatgrandson of the American revolution, civil war, WWI, and grandson of the Korean conflict, and my father is retiring from the FAA after 30 yrs and 6 yrs airforce before that...I have an American right to my beliefs.

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None of the provisions have any impact on you?

none of the gun restrictions have any impact me, of course the inconvenience of getting ammo is going to have some effect on me...........and obviously if I turn into a criminal or develop major psychiatric problems overnight it's going to definitely effect me, that's why I said it doesn't effect me TODAY.

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none of the gun restrictions have any impact me, of course the inconvenience of getting ammo is going to have some effect on me...........and obviously if I turn into a criminal or develop major psychiatric problems overnight it's going to definitely effect me, that's why I said it doesn't effect me TODAY.

so the background checks for ammo and associated costs won't effect you?

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So I take it you are unemployed?
Good point about a history degree, ha!

When my wife had our son I went to daddy day care because her Human Health and Sciences degree definitely pays more.

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I hunt with shotguns, bolt action rifles, or a crossbow. I don't buy ammo. How does it affect me? I don't agree with the safe act, but it's not eating me alive that it was passed. I honestly, never think twice about it. I don't even know when it officially took effect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

you load all your own shotgun ammo too?

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I think I said the inconvenience of getting ammo will affect me............
It might effect me in terms of convenience...but it's the inconvenience that may keep a knuckle head from loading up...easy trade-off for me.

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yeah not like any of them have been chipped away the past few years or anything to raise a flag.or anything.  You honestly think the safe act does not violate your 2nd amendment rights?  Go try to by an ar 15 or have a clip with more than 7 rounds in it and see. how it is violated.  Even if you choose not to own these types of guns and honestly I do not own anything that would have to be registered according to the law, so I guess in essence it does not effect me either.   As a citizen as you like to throw that word around, you should be very involved if you believe in the 2nd amendment at all. A federal judge said that NY'ers do not have the same 2nd amendment rights as other states, and that is constitutional.   Pull your head out of the sand and wake up.  And believe me they will be after your hunting guns too.  This is just the beginning if we do not stop this now.

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yeah not like any of them have been chipped away the past few years or anything to raise a flag.or anything. You honestly think the safe act does not violate your 2nd amendment rights? Go try to by an ar 15 or have a clip with more than 7 rounds in it and see. how it is violated. Even if you choose not to own these types of guns and honestly I do not own anything that would have to be registered according to the law, so I guess in essence it does not effect me either. As a citizen as you like to throw that word around, you should be very involved if you believe in the 2nd amendment at all. A federal judge said that NY'ers do not have the same 2nd amendment rights as other states, and that is constitutional. Pull your head out of the sand and wake up. And believe me they will be after your hunting guns too. This is just the beginning if we do not stop this now.

There is no expressed constitutional right to 16 bullets in your wanna-be assault weapon.

In fact there is no expressed right to own a wannabe assault weapon, tank, nuclear device, armed drones...etc. there are limits.

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My condolences.
Badge if honor my friend...defined it means Free.

Conservative means narrow minded and focused on preserving the status quo.

Let me repeat this concerning our rights:

There is no expressed constitutional right to 16 bullets in your wanna-be assault weapon.

In fact there is no expressed right to own a wannabe assault weapon, tank, nuclear device, armed drones...etc. there are limits.

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