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What would you do?


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So I have a neighbor...that we get along OK not friends but no serious problems...I know he's sneaky and throw out the occasional your pushing it comments ...yes I can be subtle...like when describing my fanny being screamed off because I was mistaken for him ,his wife and friend ...scaring the crap out of other neighbors shooting and dragging deer off my place where it is illegal for even me to hunt...and when I let him know, I knew he was walking the property...for he stole a buck rack and scull I  tightly wedged in a tree as bait to him. and talked to him about finding "sheds"..and when I called about the 4 wheeler getting stuck in my stream mess they left behind...He's the one that calls to track wounded deer ..he never finds...only when they head up behind the house(box blind..he can't tell if I'm in or not)


So he has had a couple of stands 10 yrds off my line and a ground blind..OK...in place before we bought this section of land....I do in other parts of my place...for various reasons and with asking if it would be a problem with some of those neighbors...but his are placed where the only shot possible is ...yep right directly toward ours or on ours...noticed he does  this to the neighbor between us as well..rt on the line...


Now I have built and placed stands in the middle of this one piece behind him trying to be fair.Well away from his old ones....I even called the guy on other side to found out how far off the line his house was...to make sure I was 500ft away even though he gave the OK for being closer...I declined....


So this other neighbor knows  the stand has been there for 4 years because he came over to "chat" while I was building it...yesterday While walking looking for sheds/dead deer in the streams I see he has put a ladder stand rt on the line and rt directly across from my stand..facing me...which cuts off half my property in that area from any shooting unless I am shooting in his direction...mind you this piece of property is only 411ft wide and half a mile long


I have no restrictions on how close to my line I can set up.... for his place is 1200 ft deep and his house is 300' off the road...Now that my knee is doing better I had plans to hunt this more and it ticks me off a bit... I'm thinking I'll just build a box blind in the area closer to the line and be done with it and move one of the ladders down the hill father where I know he or his friend has been shooting deer on our place...What is it that ppl can't be decent when others are decent to them..why do they have to just push it?


What would you do?

Edited by growalot
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I know and I have tried...problem is he knows I won't shopot towards him...but I know he would not hesitate shooting in my direction...which is one reason I don't hunt the area much...but now to put the stand directly in front of my shooting lane ...when I avoided his blind and stand along our line....until now...actually  the safest thing to do and use the land I paid for and pay taxes on ...would to be set up close enough to him  that he could never "accidentally" shoot me...lol....unless aiming straight across in the tree tops....


He may even finally get the point with out having to have words...his wife the year before last ...she tried to kick the neighbor between us off his own land...he didn't know they placed a stand...rt on the line and walked into hunt his usual spot..she saw him from the stand and started yelling to get out of the woods...man he was hot when recounting this to me..poor old guy rarely hunts any ways and drives all the way down from the city to be screamed at for being on his own property...

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fighting with him will get you nowhere.  sometimes i'll setup a dummy stand where deer don't go much but then on my side i'll rake trees myself and make fake scrapes.  He may see the sign and setup right there.  then if you can use a climber in the original spot.  I've used this a couple times.  heck if you know he's that rude pretend to be an ignorant good neighbor and tell him you've moved your stand and half heartedly about all the "sign" you've seen.

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I have a stand almost on a property line with a neighbor its completely on my property but few feet from the line was built years before he bought the land, he hates it, i have offered it to him to hunt as well he never does, i still hunt it and the deer are visable for quite a distance from his property they always cross under the stand and on to mine. i hunt it as i always have and will continue to do so, he put up a stand 60 yards on his property to cut the deer off as they come on to mine but gets upset when he sees me and thinks my presence will keep the deer away, he has put coyote urine around my stand(as seen on cameras) and will shoot just to shoot the deer dont care they will still move thru as it is a funnel. the deer still come onto mine and i dont worry if he shoots my way as i am up in a tree. i dont shoot onto his although there are plenty of opportunities to do so. the deer will pop out at 10-20 yards and give me a nice close shot. it up to you what you do grow, but trails can be hunted a little bit away and if your shooting down its not a problem, i have stands 50 yards from each other and guys in each(its to thick for 1 stand to cover. or make a nice brush fence and make the deer cross where you want them to closer to a spot he cant see from his stand and yours can.

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As do well...if you think the first was long...I won't get into it even further..lol...lets just say every years it's a "I have no idea how I missed that 10-15 yard shot" gun..bow....more than once a year...and we hear him shooting during the year...he shoots a lot.


We have stands like that as well...we just don't plop them in each others clear shooting lanes  ya know what I mean?...but again perhaps the post alone will fix it...Still would rather have him than the Vermonters as neighbors any day

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Problem is he had the illegal run of the place before we bought...owner was out of state...It apparently still bugs him I said no hunting...He has a.... not so stellar and sneaky friend and apparently  brother as well....I have works in play now to get the property logged..Been working on Mr B about this for too long...Every time I go out I can just see the $$$ floating away...between a soil fungus and canker ...but now it's just getting dangerous...


This particular area is not loggable...due to... it's where our 6 springs start and go across then down our place...... actually part of one stream has the property line down the middle of it for 30yrds...What will happen is I'll get the loggers to make their access "road " on that steep hill in the middle and have it wind away from him and back up and across our place to the top...It is a very steep incline between the top hard maples and the swampy ledge behind this neighbor...but has some vary large hard maple that need to come out...I will have the tops moved to the sides and plant the road...trans plant some of the Norway seedlings growing on the next  incline below the ledge...that semi flat area is less than 100ysds  in the middle of the hill rt behind his place...


Actually If I were to fence any thing...it would be across the road on our other property...600ft of frontage across the street from him...this would cause the deer to move up the hill or down the hill to access our food plots....It would steer  them to move on the properties to either side of him....in order  to access our land behind him...instead of going directly back and forth thru his mature Norway plantation as they do now...See he sits right smack in the middle of our place...sorta speak...


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Yup the fence does not have to be a pen. Just a straight line across an area to direct animals a different direction. I have had good luck with the fence up off the ground about 2ft to stop them from going under. 4ft fence would put them looking at a 6ft jump. Yes they can jump the fence but a walking deer with no pressure will just follow the fence around and once one deer does it and lays a scent trail of such. Every deer will follow.

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