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Tree stand hunting: your safety device can kill you


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And people wonder why I hunt from the ground.

We use the metal ladder stands and have a few set up in South Bristol . I had a DogHouse Blind setup on the property in case of bad weather . The property owner wanted it down and wants us to hunt from treestands because he feels it's safer . Didn't want to lose the hunting spot so I took it down yesterday . I figured I would be all set with the blind in case it rained but not anymore . The blind has the blaze orange tabs on all 4 sides ......... This is the only time ever I have had someone tell me NOT to hunt from the ground on their property !

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Here's a radical idea.  If you're gonna hunt, get in shape to hunt.

I'll bet more hunters die from heart attacks on Opening Day, than are injured by firearms or tree stands.

Yeah, that shouldn't be asking for too much.  Any activity should require some preparation, most especially if it will be a physical one.  What other outdoor pastime sells XXXL garments like we see sold in Cabelas, Bass Pro, etc?  These stores sell them because there are plenty of hunting bubbas who fit snuggly into these oversized clothes.  You have these couch potatoes sitting on their sofas drinking beer and stuffing their faces the rest of the year and come hunting season they think they could climb trees like monkeys in order to kill a deer while they can hardly walk 50 yards without breaking into a masssive sweat.  They are accidents waiting to happen and nothing more.

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Seriously, when is the last time you saw a guy that big in a tree stand?  ::( Most tree stands are only rated to 300 lbs, 500 for the 2 person stands. Most guys that I know that are much over 250 dont bother with treestands, they hunt from blinds, just sit or still hunt. Besides, who are you guys to judge people for being overweight and wanting to enjoy hunting? No wonder why people are leaving the sport in droves with judgmental, holier than thou attitudes like that being thrown around all the time.

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No one is telling anyone not to hunt.  One needs to know there limitations. that's all.  I for one have seen plenty of big guys in tree stands.  Most especially these days with the emphasis on trophy deer and tree stands being one of the most effective ways to score on one.  A person who is seriously overweight should most definitely remain on the ground.  Better yet would be to get into better shape.  Not only will it enhance your hunting abilities, but it just might give them a few extra years of life which would be even more important.  I think that is reason enough for anyone to make an effort to get into better shape.

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I don't think I read where any one told anyone to not hunt, and we do live in the most obese country in the world. So many lack common sense nowadays and the rest of us pay for it through higher insurance costs.

Really? Your reading skills arent up to par today then. You didnt see this...

"If you're gonna hunt, get in shape to hunt."

Looks like someone saying that you shouldnt hunt if you are overweight. Insurance costs arent higher due to obesity, it has more to do with the frivolous lawsuit industry, but thats another topic.  :(

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One needs to know there limitations. that's all.  I for one have seen plenty of big guys in tree stands.  Most especially these days with the emphasis on trophy deer and tree stands being one of the most effective ways to score on one.  A person who is seriously overweight should most definitely remain on the ground.  Better yet would be to get into better shape.  Not only will it enhance your hunting abilities, but it just might give them a few extra years of life which would be even more important.  I think that is reason enough for anyone to make an effort to get into better shape.

I agree with what you just said, but ostracizing people for being overweight isnt the answer to the problem. Some people just plain dont care though. I do like the way you are blaming "trophy hunting" for yet another issue though. Tactful.  :(

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I don't think I read where any one told anyone to not hunt, and we do live in the most obese country in the world. So many lack common sense nowadays and the rest of us pay for it through higher insurance costs.

Really? Your reading skills arent up to par today then. You didnt see this...

"If you're gonna hunt, get in shape to hunt."

Looks like someone saying that you shouldnt hunt if you are overweight. Insurance costs arent higher due to obesity, it has more to do with the frivolous lawsuit industry, but thats another topic.  :(

Looks like you are looking for an arguement..I will not take the bait though.

On the other sub-subject, yes lawsuits are a major problem but the healthcare system is seriously effed up right now. There is a list of problems that directly corralate to obesity a mile long and WE pay for a large portion of the bill. I see it every single day where I work, trust me when I say the abuse of the system is sickening. My wife see's alot of morbidly obese people in her profession too, every single day, it is indeed a serious problem.

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All I'm telling these people is to do themselves a favor and don't get into tree stands.  The truth CAN hurt some people, and it's obviously hurting you also, but it doesn't mean anyone should sweep it all under the rug just because some people are the sensitive type.  I would think it would be better for these people to face some blunt words instead of some real serious harm or death thru a tree stand accident.


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I don't think I read where any one told anyone to not hunt, and we do live in the most obese country in the world. So many lack common sense nowadays and the rest of us pay for it through higher insurance costs.

Really? Your reading skills arent up to par today then. You didnt see this...

"If you're gonna hunt, get in shape to hunt."

Looks like someone saying that you shouldnt hunt if you are overweight. Insurance costs arent higher due to obesity, it has more to do with the frivolous lawsuit industry, but thats another topic.  :(

Looks like you are looking for an arguement..I will not take the bait though.

On the other sub-subject, yes lawsuits are a major problem but the healthcare system is seriously effed up right now. There is a list of problems that directly corralate to obesity a mile long and WE pay for a large portion of the bill. I see it every single day where I work, trust me when I say the abuse of the system is sickening. My wife see's alot of morbidly obese people in her profession too, every single day, it is indeed a serious problem.

Im not baiting you into anything, just pointing out what was said. I am also not saying that obesity is not an issue, its just not the biggest (no pun intended) reason for our screwed up healthcare insurance.

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Thats your opinion...these are facts.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, they concluded that 0.2% of all healthcare dollars go to pay lawsuits and 0.3% is dedicated to the “unnecessary tests” that doctors ordered to avoid lawsuits.

Compareably, obesity is said to cost the healthcare system anywhere between 8-10% of all healthcare dollars.

"Health economists have long warned that obesity is a driving force behind the rise in health spending. For example, diabetes costs the nation $190 billion a year to treat, and excess weight is the single biggest risk factor for developing diabetes"

Money spent on obesity and its related illness's are measured in the billions.

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This really should be in a different thread, but Ill play.  :)

You cant think of lawsuit costs to healthcare as just being what is paid to the lawsuits. The prices that doctors, hospitals and other healthcare companies charge have increased in large part to cover costs of malpractice and other insurances they must carry to protect themselves from every ambulance chasing lawyer out there. In turn, our health insurance rates skyrocket because of the rates that they have to pay out.

If you are only going off of what a congressional committee says, then you are allowing the wool to be pulled over your eyes. Our government has an agenda, and their agenda is NOT to fix the problem, but to work on the symptoms and eventually push it to the point where we mere citizens cave in to government controlled healthcare. You have to look deeper, at the real problems at the root of the issue.

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