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Another Treestand Fall

Cabin Fever

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And yet more treestand falls:

In the Canandaigua Messenger 11/19/10 - A canadice man, Richard Vinson, 56, fell from his treestand while bowhunting and was airlifted to Strong Memorial Hospital where he was listed in guarded condition. He fell from a height of 12 to 15 feet.

In the Canandaigua Messenger 11/22/10 - A Penfield man, Thomas J. Rogers, 63, was listed in guarded condition after falling from a treestand in Naples, Ontario County. The fall was about 12 feet. He was taken to Strong Memorial Hospital via Mercy Flight.

These two coupled with the recent death of Eric Docteur from a treestand fall in Bristol is starting to form a pattern of some pretty ugly statistics here locally and are only incidents that are reported in one small area of the state. It makes me wonder what the total picture across the state really looks like. I think these treestand incidents are one of the more under-reported hunting mishaps with often disastrous consequences.

I'm afraid that by next hunting season, all this talk about death and serious injuries from treestand falls will be lost to memories and another round of the same kinds of incidents will most likely end or impair hunting for a significant number of our hunting community.

For those that don't own the proper treestand safety equipment, it sure would be great, if those who hunt in tree-stands were to go out and buy the necessary harnessing to help ensure safety now before the memories of these tragic events fade. Harness systems might make a good Christmas present request this year. Also, I would guess that this is not something that you want to buy from the lowest bidder .... lol. Looks like it is something that might be worth a bit of research and a few extra dollars if necessary to ensure maximum safety and ease of use.


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I heard about the one in Holley this morning and there was also another yesterday as well.

Does there seem to be a lot more treestand falls this year or is it just me paying attention more? Only the biggies get reported too. Makes me wonder how much more it really happens to those of us that don't sustain serious or life threatening injuries?

Very sad...

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Link to the D&C article on the latest trestand death:


The local area count of treestand accidents is up to 4 now. The one guy (Rogers) is still being reported as being in guarded condition. I don't really know exactly what that means, but it doesn't sound too good. I'm not sure what's going on in other parts of the state, but here in our little chunk of western NY, we aren't really doing all that great.


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