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Get ready for more gun control BS......

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Perhaps if he used his car to mow people down the likes of Cuomo, Bloomberg and their cohorts would not be coming out of the woodwork talking more gun control. (And just to clarify for some of you, NO i'm not saying he should have used his car instead). Nevertheless, another mentally ill kid slipped through the cracks. According to latest news, apparently the parents knew of his prior youtube postings about suicide, death etc and after a "thorough" investigation by police, the wackjob was a "good polite and friendly young boy". You have a kid with Aspergers posting $hit like that and you don't bring him in for a psych evaluation?? Man did someone screw up royally or what??

Edited by Deerthug
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Do you hypocrites even realize you started politicking this thing the moment it happened?

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Boy, you really are on a tear....lol. For a guy that claims to hate all the non-hunting threads on this site, you sure do seem to spend a lot of time involved in them. But in case you seriously cannot see the difference, let me explain to you that there is a huge difference between using tragedy to further a personal agenda, and predicting that use by the anti-gun forces.

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Do you hypocrites even realize you started politicizing this thing the moment it happened?

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And what do you think AC and his buddies were doing moments after it happened and even before it made the news?? I could just hear the "red" phones secretly ringing at their offices and the voice on the line saying: "Hey guys, we got another one lets run with it."

Of course we all feel sorry for the tragedy and the senseless deaths but as history has proven these tragedies have been used countless times to fortify their agendas to eventually ban all firearms.

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Boy, you really are on a tear....lol. For a guy that claims to hate all the non-hunting threads on this site, you sure do seem to spend a lot of time involved in them. But in case you seriously cannot see the difference, let me explain to you that there is a huge difference between using tragedy to further a personal agenda, and predicting that use by the anti-gun forces.

Your just the other extreme using the same tragedy.

Everyone always thinks they have god or good on their side.

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Edited by Meat Manager
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Perhaps if he used his car to mow people down the likes of Cuomo, Bloomberg and their cohorts would not be coming out of the woodwork talking more gun control. (And just to clarify for some of you, NO i'm not saying he should have used his car instead). Nevertheless, another mentally ill kid slipped through the cracks. According to latest news, apparently the parents knew of his prior youtube postings about suicide, death etc and after a "thorough" investigation by police, the wackjob was a "good polite and friendly young boy". You have a kid with Aspergers posting $hit like that and you don't bring him in for a psych evaluation?? Man did someone screw up royally or what??

Yes blame Autism, it's way easier to do that than actually know anything about Autism.

Autism would be the least of this dudes issues, once again we have a person telling everyone what he is about to do and NO one put a stop to it.

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Doe, no one is blaming Autism as the cause of the tragedy. 


I agree this kid had a whole host of other issues going on but come on... Your kid is posting crap like that and you really don't do anything about it other than bringing him to a psychiatrist one time and accept the police investigation?? Something is seriously wrong with that . . .

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The media did

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You guys have been waiting for engagement on the issue since the story hit, and I did not hear any anti-gun stuff until you guys started searching it out.

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You guys have been waiting for engagement on the issue since the story hit, and I did not hear any anti-gun stuff until you guys started searching it out.

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Seems  to me that people were just commenting on how the media, and other antis will use this tragedy to push their agenda, just like they have done time after time after time.

You are correct. People started searching for anti gun stuff on this incident. And it was there. No surprise.

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Again I know you all are god warriors on the side of goodness and right so I will abstain from continuing to point out your all-day everyday hypocrisy.

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Hudson Valley Psychiatric Center, Pilgrim State Psychiatric Center, Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center are just 3 of the institutions that have shut down over the years, thanks to the politicians'  budget cuts...and those are just the ones I know of in NY. These facilities are where the people who go on shooting rampages would have gotten the help they needed before a tragedy occurs. A prescription for anti depressants, etc. just doesn't give them the care and long term help they need. Instead of putting tax dollars into gun control the money should be going into getting more of these centers and making them top notch facilities with the best doctors. My prayers and condolences to all the victims and their families.

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You guys have been waiting for engagement on the issue since the story hit, and I did not hear any anti-gun stuff until you guys started searching it out.

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First article I read they blamed it on the NRA and politicians.

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Those of you righteously crusading to make sure gods will be done:

Thou shall not restrict clip capacity or tactical aesthetics!!!!

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Edited by Larry302
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Those of you righteously crusading to make sure gods will be done:

Thou shall not restrict clip capacity or tactical aesthetics!!!!

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You realize that you just sound like a total nut job……right?????


"Thou shall take his meds"

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So, this guy's family are coming out now saying he had Aspergers and was always a disturbed, introverted type of individual who never had a freind. Essentially we have another case of a crazy person allowed to interact in a normal environment that was inappropriate. As someone with close ties to higher education I am seeing this on the rise. People on the autistic spectrum now account for 1 in 50 yet there is no move to address this growing disaster in any kind of formalized way. Specialist schools or institutes should be popping up like mushrooms across the land. Instead we see an ever increasing trend to mainstream them, which is not working out. I know several, very frustrated College professors who are inundated with this kids. They do not mainstream well and are skewing the teaching environment in a negative way due to all the accommodation and inappropriate classroom behavior. That includes inappropriate touching and violent outbursts. The situation is not good out there.

Another clueless response from a clueless person.

People with Aspergers are not violent and often do not like to touch or be touched so there goes your theory on that. Here read up on it, sorry I didn't use Prison planet for you.


It's 1 in 68 by the way.

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You are a know it all I see.

I'm not surprised you try to link Lanza to this guy either, what about all the other mental issues these two had.

Ignore the facts all you want, you are about as far off base as you can be which is no surprise with you.

If you have meet one person with Autism, you have meet one person with Autism. But to you they are all the same I'm sure which is obvious ny the way you threw Lanza out right away as a comparison.

I don't really care about any BS you spew at this point, you are a meaningless conspiracy theorist who reads too much Prison Planet and all other sites just like it. You have zero credibility with any one on any subject but are too egotistical to realize it.

Carry on.....

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