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Political Threads Feeding to Recent Topics List


Political Threads Feeding  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want political threads to feed to the recent/hot topics list?

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If you are going to hide them, no sense in having them.  How long does it take to look past them really?  With only 5 spots in the hot topic at once, I am sure that most who understand the system go exactly to the thread they want to look for topics.

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If you are going to hide them, no sense in having them.  How long does it take to look past them really?  With only 5 spots in the hot topic at once, I am sure that most who understand the system go exactly to the thread they want to look for topics.


Please vote. No need for a discussion about it here. There's another thread to do that in by First Light at the moment.


Edit: Bubba, you can expand the list to 10, not 5.

Edited by phade
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I did vote. Then I added a comment. It held s keep your poll on the hot topics list. Stop your whining. It is still a free country to make comments even if you seem to be against it. Oops was that political

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I did vote. Then I added a comment. It held s keep your poll on the hot topics list. Stop your whining. It is still a free country to make comments even if you seem to be against it. Oops was that political


I don't see your vote in the poll, nor the thread. At this time it is 9-0 no/yes.

Edited by phade
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ha ha I guess my question would be what difference does your little poll make?  Do you think they will change it all just for you and a handful?  I am glad to see you do get active in some causes regardless if how insignificant they are.  Have a good one.  

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ha ha I guess my question would be what difference does your little poll make?  Do you think they will change it all just for you and a handful?  I am glad to see you do get active in some causes regardless if how insignificant they are.  Have a good one.  




My purpose is to see where the membership stands on this topic. Nothing more, nothing less.


Right now, it is 10-1. Small potatoes, yet maybe an indicator of what is to come? Who knows.


Thanks for voting Bubba. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for all you do for hunters and gun owners.

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I voted yes . Although I get irritated with so many threads turning into a political bit , I don't like the idea of Strict rules and censoring . If I did , I would be over on Archery Talk where , if you don't say things just right , you get censored or booted .


And ....... since this concerns politics , why is it in the Chit Chat Forum ? Hmmmmmm

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I voted yes . Although I get irritated with so many threads turning into a political bit , I don't like the idea of Strict rules and censoring . If I did , I would be over on Archery Talk where , if you don't say things just right , you get censored or booted .


And ....... since this concerns politics , why is it in the Chit Chat Forum ? Hmmmmmm


It also concerns the recent topics list, which I digress is probably general chit chat. Hmmm.


I don't think it has anything to do with censoring or strict rules. It's what's called generally accepted practices, and that is it for most hunting forums and many other focused forums.


Political threads often tend to be the largest from a post count perspective, thus clogging up recent/hot topic threads. That's why they prevent them from feeding to it. An option to opt out of having them appear in the recent topics list is perfect. That way those who don't want it, can opt out.

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Ha-ha, how many times has this thread clogged up the "Most Recent Topics" list.


Sorry, but I understand the importance of the part of hunting that is political, and believe it is important not to hide it or run from it.


As an aside, with all this attention to the "Recent Topics" list, it should be pointed out that unless you are on this site all day long, if you are limiting your reading here to only the 5 posts or so that happen to be up on that list when you sign in, you are likely missing out on most of the new discussions that took place since the last time you were here. Your decision of course, but personally I check out whatever forums I am interested in to see what new comments may have been added since I was last here.....not just the last 5 posts that were added.

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If you are going to hide them, no sense in having them.  How long does it take to look past them really?  With only 5 spots in the hot topic at once, I am sure that most who understand the system go exactly to the thread they want to look for topics.


I think what people are talking about is not so much an objection to seeing them, but them covering up other stuff and not seeing THAT. I tend to agree with that, but don't feel perfectly at ease voting on this because I think the context of politics is being used too broadly here. That is no distinction between hunting policy; conservation; second amendment issues, and party politics. Half of you are more interested in party politics than you are in conservation, and I am not sure that is conducive to a hunting site. Then almost half don't want to hear anything about conservation, which also is non-conducive.

Edited by mike rossi
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Ha-ha, how many times has this thread clogged up the "Most Recent Topics" list.

Sorry, but I understand the importance of the part of hunting that is political, and believe it is important not to hide it or run from it.

As an aside, with all this attention to the "Recent Topics" list, it should be pointed out that unless you are on this site all day long, if you are limiting your reading here to only the 5 posts or so that happen to be up on that list when you sign in, you are likely missing out on most of the new discussions that took place since the last time you were here. Your decision of course, but personally I check out whatever forums I am interested in to see what new comments may have been added since I was last here.....not just the last 5 posts that were added.

You do realize you can expand the recent topics list to more than 5 right?

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See, doc, thats the thing. People dont check 41 forums when they visit. They often look at the recent topics list. Thats where this is all being lost on this site. I dont think anyone disagrees about the value of politics on hunting. A chunk of the population here just doesnt want to see it on the recent topics list amd that also happens to be the way most hunting site s are run. The fact this one does the opposite cause many members here to not get the use out of it nor contribute to it in any major fashion.

Right now a majority of users are confirming that premise. Whether that holds true or not, who knows. But itd be pretty silly if 6 to 7 of every 10 users say they dont want those posts in the recent topics list, and you include them, despite that. Maybe im wrong. Heck the dec implements ar for that kind of ratio.


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I think what people are talking about is not so much an objection to seeing them, but them covering up other stuff and not seeing THAT. I tend to agree with that, but don't feel perfectly at ease voting on this because I think the context of politics is being used too broadly here. That is no distinction between hunting policy; conservation; second amendment issues, and party politics. Half of you are more interested in party politics than you are in conservation, and I am not sure that is conducive to a hunting site. Then almost half don't want to hear anything about conservation, which also is non-conducive.


Actually it is more the sheeple compliance of what is happening is ok and they do not want to hear about it.  it is not like right now the political threads are covering anything.  As mentioned it is slow this time of year anyway.  I am willing to bet the same people would start a thread complaining that things are too slow and will not log on much.  I have seen those threads too.  Some people just want it their way no matter what.  To them I say start your own web site and you can do whatever you want.  basically with the poll, they want the whole website changed for 6 people. Are you really that inconvenienced having to scroll down to the threads?  If so, your life is way too busy. 

Edited by bubba
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Actually it is more the sheeple compliance of what is happening is ok and they do not want to hear about it. it is not like right now the political threads are covering anything. As mentioned it is slow this time of year anyway. I am willing to bet the same people would start a thread complaining that things are too slow and will not log on much. I have seen those threads too. Some people just want it their way no matter what. To them I say start your own web site and you can do whatever you want. basically with the poll, they want the whole website changed for 6 people.

See, thats it. If someone mentions they dont want to see the politics thread on recent topics, they are sheeple. Thats a poor mans argument and an assumption that the people who.dont want it there are not goood stewards for hunting or guns, etc. Name calling only makes your agrument look weak.

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Apparently, you cant seem to understand the whole reason why people dont want it on the recent topics list.

Theres one forum for it to be located. We can find it easily enough. There are 40 other hunting forums. Its not about the topic solely, it is about the user interface. Get it? Get off your high horse of politics is king. Its about how the site is used.

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See, doc, thats the thing. People dont check 41 forums when they visit. They often look at the recent topics list. Thats where this is all being lost on this site. I dont think anyone disagrees about the value of politics on hunting. A chunk of the population here just doesnt want to see it on the recent topics list amd that also happens to be the way most hunting site s are run. The fact this one does the opposite cause many members here to not get the use out of it nor contribute to it in any major fashion.

Right now a majority of users are confirming that premise. Whether that holds true or not, who knows. But itd be pretty silly if 6 to 7 of every 10 users say they dont want those posts in the recent topics list, and you include them, despite that. Maybe im wrong. Heck the dec implements ar for that kind of ratio.

Yes, and then you have the people who don't want their "Most Recent" list clogged up with camping, or fishing, or ATVs, or the non-hunting sale forum, or you name it somebody doesn't like it. It's pretty damn arbitrary no matter how you do it unless you don't allow exceptions. But again, I say simply take your request to the guy that will have the final decision. This site is not a "majority rules" style of site management. We have a site owner, and I suggest that rather than clogging up the most recent post list with polls and such, simply run it by the one who will be making the decision. Make your arguments there.

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Yes, and then you have the people who don't want their "Most Recent" list clogged up with camping, or fishing, or ATVs, or the non-hunting sale forum, or you name it somebody doesn't like it. It's pretty damn arbitrary no matter how you do it unless you don't allow exceptions. But again, I say simply take your request to the guy that will have the final decision. This site is not a "majority rules" style of site management. We have a site owner, and I suggest that rather than clogging up the most recent post list with polls and such, simply run it by the one who will be making the decision. Make your arguments there.

Great advice. Dont you think I already know who the site owner is? Dont you think I know how I should go about this?

I posted a poll and its in the recent topics list. Get over it, moderator. I havent broken a rule.

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