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i heard it is being extended also but not sure how they are going to set it up along with the gun season. i also heard they are going to allow you to hunt with the shotgun on the weekends in January.  Going to be a nightmare out there come Jan unless you have some private land to hunt. Hopefully i will be tagged out by then lol.



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Meatmuzzy, I saw something to this effect on another site. It Wouldn't surprise me as I recall the dec giving some mention to this idea in a deer management plan from a year or two ago.

Personally I like the idea because usually I can't get time to hunt in december. Busy with holidays and by then wife is usually at breaking point. That said, a 4 month season is darn long.

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Lawdwaz, I was thinking the same thing. I've never done thee january shotgun season but I guess those that do see that scenario often. Shot one at end of december once and fetus was the size of a half dollar if I remember right.

I gotta say though, I like the better chance of cold weather and snow. And the ticks won't be as bad.

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