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Baiting for deer


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realistically what do you think the percentage chances are (increase) if your baiting deer vs non baiting deer on kill percentages maybe 10-15% at most increase, everyone thinks you lay out a huge pile of apples or corn and deer will come.  eventually they will but may hit it after shooting hours, deer are smart animals and rely on there senses 100% of the time and only veer out of that when they are rutting.  people think that throwing a massive pile of apples or corn and deer will instantly flock to your stand?  they know that there is and unknown scent in the area and are more than likely to check eventually.  I really don't see a huge deal in baiting if its done in an ethical way that you feed year round and are not just supplement it during the hunting season because you want to increase your percentages or seeing and or killing deer.  just my 2 sense. 



you could not be more wrong, if you use a time dispensed electronic feeder, you can set the time and amount of feed you want to come out, therefore forcing the animal into the routine of your choice, it may take time for them to adjust, both to the sight, smell, and sound of feeder, as well as the time, but eventually they will

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Hey Doc thanks for posting this we just kind of hit the tip of the ice berg with my post.  Baiting is def something that should be brought up because I am sure there are a lot of new hunters on this forum that are prob willing to do just about anything to get that first deer.  I never resorted to baiting and my hard work paid off when I got my first deer after three years of hunting.  I don't believe its necessary.  Especially if it helps to transfer disease and actually has a negative effect on the deer population.  With technology one day they will prob come out with a product that truly brings every animal in the area to it but thank god that day is not today!  Hunting is a privilege and going in and messing with there natural habitat is unimaginable.  I have a tremendous respect for the animal and I find it grows each year with knowledge of the species and their habitat.  Curious to see what everyone else thinks on the matter thanks again for the post!  



If your a person from downstate, like you are, then of course you think baiting is unnecessary.  Chances are you don't care about eating the animal, just want a trophy to bring back and show to the other cityidiots down your way.  However, for the people upstate whom a lot of them rely on the meat, it does not matter how they get a deer, because they are not shooting one to bring back to the 9-5 and brag about, they're shooting a deer to eat and live.  Baiting IMO should be legalized, especially for the people who rely on the animal every year for meat in their freezer.  

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Wow-this forum never ceases to amaze me with big fish in a mud puddle syndrome.

I happen to be an upstate country boy and let me set it straight- work feeds more family's that hunting let alone bait pile bozos. Skill gives more bounty than luck. After reading the above post even if you were spot on with citidiot assessment you look like a far bigger fool with regard to you ability, participation and respect for hunting.

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If your a person from downstate, like you are, then of course you think baiting is unnecessary.  Chances are you don't care about eating the animal, just want a trophy to bring back and show to the other cityidiots down your way.  However, for the people upstate whom a lot of them rely on the meat, it does not matter how they get a deer, because they are not shooting one to bring back to the 9-5 and brag about, they're shooting a deer to eat and live.  Baiting IMO should be legalized, especially for the people who rely on the animal every year for meat in their freezer.  

you sound like a man who's no stranger to spotlighting and baiting deer..........not sure who you offend more, upstate or downstate people.......

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If your a person from downstate, like you are, then of course you think baiting is unnecessary.  Chances are you don't care about eating the animal, just want a trophy to bring back and show to the other cityidiots down your way.  However, for the people upstate whom a lot of them rely on the meat, it does not matter how they get a deer, because they are not shooting one to bring back to the 9-5 and brag about, they're shooting a deer to eat and live.  Baiting IMO should be legalized, especially for the people who rely on the animal every year for meat in their freezer.  


The baiting issue aside, that is some of the most pompous, uninformed bullsh*t I've ever read on this site.  And that's saying a lot.


I'm from the city, I know many, many, hunters from the city.  Everyone I know eats the deer they kill, with one exception, who donates his venison to a food bank.  My either-sex archery tag almost always goes on a doe, because putting meat in my freezer is what matters most to me, so the first good size deer that passes my stand gets the arrow. Saying people from downstate are only in it for the horns (yeah, giant NY racks, hah!), is just ignorant.


But if you want to play the generalization game, I'm sure I could come up with some blanket upstate hick comments to post here.

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If your a person from downstate, like you are, then of course you think baiting is unnecessary.  Chances are you don't care about eating the animal, just want a trophy to bring back and show to the other cityidiots down your way.  However, for the people upstate whom a lot of them rely on the meat, it does not matter how they get a deer, because they are not shooting one to bring back to the 9-5 and brag about, they're shooting a deer to eat and live.  Baiting IMO should be legalized, especially for the people who rely on the animal every year for meat in their freezer.  


If you are that desperate for deer meat to survive, then you probably shouldn't be spending money on a computer, internet access, etc.

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We're all out there to shoot a deer. Baiting helps get the deer in your area. Why wouldn't you want to increase your chances of taking one home? Makes no sense to me not to.

If you like to hunt in the big woods, well you can do that too if you want.

What's the problem here?


I love the opinion that is absoultey right and cannot see the other side. Believe it or not, I enjoy my sit/hunt more than anything. It's time in the beautiful woods. Peace and quiet. The nice buck is just the icing. Be careful when you generalize why people hunt. People also enjoy a challenge. I think that's why you see the boom in archery. Not everyone wants to just shoot something brown and head back to camp. Not everyone wants it to be "easy".

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If you are that desperate for deer meat to survive, then you probably shouldn't be spending money on a computer, internet access, etc.


my thoughts exactly. I don't know a sole who cannot survive if it wasn't for his venison. Hunting can be done for cheap, but 90% of spend far more on the sport than we receive in reduced grocery bills.

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I love the opinion that is absoultey right and cannot see the other side. Believe it or not, I enjoy my sit/hunt more than anything. It's time in the beautiful woods. Peace and quiet. The nice buck is just the icing. Be careful when you generalize why people hunt. People also enjoy a challenge. I think that's why you see the boom in archery. Not everyone wants to just shoot something brown and head back to camp. Not everyone wants it to be "easy".

I'm no different than you. I enjoy the difficulty and dedication it takes to hunt in the big woods. That's why I said:

If you like to hunt in the big woods, well you can do that too if you want.

But I also want to be successful so if I'm having a tuff time bagging a deer, it would be nice to have another option like baiting.

I haven't gotten all the through reading this thread yet but someone earlier said they didn't think it was very neighborly to suck the deer onto your side by baiting. I'd have to agree with that.

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But I also want to be successful so if I'm having a tuff time bagging a deer, it would be nice to have another option like baiting.


You know there are places around where you can pay your money and have a nice deer placed in front of you to shoot. And if you like shooting deer at a feeding trough, they can fix you up with that too. ..... lol.


Just kidding, but you know how that quote above makes it sound.

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Yes just like Texas. Baiting allowed, landowners can release whitetails on their property and have some of the best hunting in the world. Success!


Thats not hunting thats just killing.  There is no hunting involved in that. lmao

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I'm no different than you. I enjoy the difficulty and dedication it takes to hunt in the big woods. That's why I said:

If you like to hunt in the big woods, well you can do that too if you want.

But I also want to be successful so if I'm having a tuff time bagging a deer, it would be nice to have another option like baiting.

I haven't gotten all the through reading this thread yet but someone earlier said they didn't think it was very neighborly to suck the deer onto your side by baiting. I'd have to agree with that.


I feel like your contradict yourself. If you like a challenge, you wouldn't also want to make it easier when it gets tough...



even if you buy a license and a couple doe tags (or 4 depending on the area)  The price per pound can be cheaper than beef. We choose to make it more. I've seen hunters some pretty remote areas of the state that do count on it annually.


counting on it and needing it to survive are different. I do indeed spend a good chunk of uncessary change to hunt. To make it more comfortable and to increase my odds. But when I moved this past winter and went 4 months waiting on my parents to bring me my vension it was very evident in our grocery bills. Do I count on it? I think so. But I do not need it.

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Yeah I knew that was coming. Baiting is not a canned hunt. c'mon man


This thread was not intended to be a "right or wrong answer" kind of question. Right or wrong resides in our own minds when it comes to why we hunt and how we hunt and what really constitutes "fair chase", or even whether fair chase should even be a hunting consideration. And tied in with that internal judgment of right and wrong are the motivations and definitions of what hunting means to each hunter. There are people who see a canned hunt as meeting their needs for success and a satisfying hunting experience. There are those that draw their lines at baiting. And there are those that would settle for no more of an advantage than a stone axe and one hand tied behind their back.....lol. It all boils down to just what technique or weapon or advantage makes you still feel "fairly" matched to the abilities of your prey. Of course depending on whether feeling fairly matched to your prey is an important part of the hunt for each individual. The baiting question was just intended to bring that all out. I could have went with a canned hunt question, but I thought something more in the middle like baiting would bring out more discussion...... and it has.


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After reading this thread I am not even sure what planet I am on anymore.  I am quite sure of one thing though.... people on this forum like to preach like they are saints and write these well thought out comments.  I think most of it is BS and I bet 50% of the guys who talk about how bad it is have done it at some point.  Makes me laugh.....


I personally don't bait, if baiting is putting a little something in front of a camera to get the deer to stop for a pre season pic once and a while then yeah I have baited deer in the past.   I can tell you this, take a trip to Ohio or Saskatchewan where you can bait and you tell me how easy it is to kill a mature buck.  Anyone can kill a young buck or doe with or without bait, when it comes to mature deer it is a whole different story! If you don't' do everything else right and do your homework you won't kill a good one unless you have dumb luck.  Trust me that a pile of C'mere deer in the middle of the woods isn't going to draw deer in from all over.


Anyways to answer the question....NO I wouldn't want baiting to be legal, I like the rule the way it is.  As far as would I do it?? Be tough not to if I could, but I would try not to! I would like to say I wouldn't but then I would be lying like most others in this thread.  It's kind of like crossbows... I was TOTALLY AGAINST IT but now that they are legal it is tough to not have the mentality of if you can't beat em' join em'.... IMO

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........I can tell you this, take a trip to Ohio or Saskatchewan where you can bait and you tell me how easy it is to kill a mature buck.  Anyone can kill a young buck or doe with or without bait, when it comes to mature deer it is a whole different story! .........

The original post was not about mature deer. It regarded any deer. Why people are intent on trying to convince everybody that baiting does not work is beyond me. I'm sure that the multi-million dollar baiting and bait dispensing industry has not flourished simply because the whole world is wrong about the effectiveness of baiting.

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Lol. I've been hunting in the ADKs for something like 5 years and still haven't shot anything. Tuff is an understatement!


this is getting into a pretty big thread derail, but there are many who succeed in the mountains. So many variables equal success. Time in the stand, time spent scouting, scent control, pressure etc. I do not want to know how much effort you put in, but I will say that your endorsement of baiting smacks of someone who is failing at something and wants to make it easier. Perhaps you spend whole weekends in the spring and summer scouting and prepping. Perhaps you sit all day and use vacation days to bag a deer. If you do, then I can see your frustration. The adk are not nearly as dense as other parts of the state. But have you not even seen a doe?

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I think most of it is BS and I bet 50% of the guys who talk about how bad it is have done it at some point.  Makes me laugh.....


I personally don't bait, if baiting is putting a little something in front of a camera to get the deer to stop for a pre season pic once and a while then yeah I have baited deer in the past.  

A. I doubt it's 50%. Where did you get that number?

B. Yes that is baiting.

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