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$350 Refund Checks In The Mail

Cabin Fever

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The family oriented part is that you only got the rebate if you had a kid. I'm not sure what's confusing about that. And for the final time, I will assure you this is no handout to most families who contribute far more in 1 month to taxes then this $350 is giving back. I do not disagree this is a vote buying scheme.

Fwiw, Pataki did the same thing. Even sent a letter with it.

My $350 was deposited Friday and I'm happy about it.

What I find frustrating are those who shrug their shoulders and say, "Yup it is a vote buying scheme but as long as I am a recipient it's ok". Apparently we have some Cuomo apologists who are content to justify any kind of corrupt campaign practices. And then back up that justification by pointing to another liberal who allegedly did the same thing. Apparently as long as there is a precedent for dirty politics, it is therefore ok from now until forever. Sorry, but you can't simply drape a "family oriented" label over corrupt campaign practices and call that ok. There is nothing "family oriented" about voter bribery.


And I am still trying to figure out why those that have kids feel that they alone have been the victims of over taxation. There seems to be some selective memory going on about the per child income tax credits that I personally have not seen in a good many years, and some people never have seen at all.


I have no problem with people accepting the taxpayer funded bribe money that Cuomo insists on shoving their way, as long as you don't try to concoct some wacky justification for it.

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when you think about it, over taxing and then paying everyone back at the end of the year is pretty smart.......what was the total refund, something like 500 million? NYS keeps that in the bank all year and collects the interest on your money, and then just refunds you your part of the investment....minus the interest. I wonder if Astorino will address this and use it to his advantage.

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What I find frustrating are those who shrug their shoulders and say, "Yup it is a vote buying scheme but as long as I am a recipient it's ok". Apparently we have some Cuomo apologists who are content to justify any kind of corrupt campaign practices. And then back up that justification by pointing to another liberal who allegedly did the same thing. Apparently as long as there is a precedent for dirty politics, it is therefore ok from now until forever. Sorry, but you can't simply drape a "family oriented" label over corrupt campaign practices and call that ok. There is nothing "family oriented" about voter bribery.


And I am still trying to figure out why those that have kids feel that they alone have been the victims of over taxation. There seems to be some selective memory going on about the per child income tax credits that I personally have not seen in a good many years, and some people never have seen at all.


I have no problem with people accepting the taxpayer funded bribe money that Cuomo insists on shoving their way, as long as you don't try to concoct some wacky justification for it.


I am not shrugging my shoulders. I am not even trying to justify it. I am bothered by the anti-family remarks from some in this thread.


Remember I did more than anyone on this forum has ever done and took my mortgage, and well paying job and tax dollars out of state. If more and more people leave it will send a message.


By the way Patacki was a Repub.


Edited by Belo
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I am not shrugging my shoulders. I am not even trying to justify it. I am bothered by the anti-family remarks from some in this thread.

Remember I did more than anyone on this forum has ever done and took my mortgage, and well paying job and tax dollars out of state. If more and more people leave it will send a message.

By the way Patacki was a Repub.

Are you speaking of my comments?
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