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I can't say I know exactly what was in Paula's mind when she wrote the original post....BUT that said...... Maybe you poor guys getting checks that OHHH my! she, I ,and others have commented on should go back and re-read that post SLOWLY taking in each word....because you personally being tweaked at it may be for naught...Either that or I imposed my own ideas between the lines.

As for the "other rebate" I believe it's based on the school districts your in staying with in budget isn't it?...If it is...give me a second...let me ponder holding my breath on that one :rolleyes:

Edited by growalot
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Same old two party political games. Divide and conquer strategy. Until we just keep voting incumbents out regardless of party and get rid of people making a career of "public service" nothing much will change. Doesn't matter which side you're on, most of the tactics they use to divide people shouldn't even be involved in politics. Stuff like these checks are blatant political maneuvers used by groups embedded long enough to know how to play the system, yet people are happy to get a check in the mail so they keep their mouths shut, or get side tracked on off topic partyline debates like we have here. The real issue isn't the check and who did or didn't get one and why etc etc. We're all guilty of wasting energy on here like it will make us feel better. It just perpetuates the objectives of "those in power." That's my 2 cents worth donation, I'm going outside! :-)

Edited by mt624
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I paid and then paid more just a month ago when they demanded it. Asking for more when you have a surplus? So they wanted more to cover their give away? That sounds exactly like redistributing money to me.

How convenient the refund comes just before elections, and deer season. Maybe some of these hunter types all upset over the Gun Attack Act will see I'm not such a bad guy. Might just win over a few of these up staters after all!

Edited by New York Hillbilly
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You're really questioning that this or anything else they do isn't to "sway your vote"? The SAFE Act was to win votes, it really does nothing to prevent crime and we know that, right?They want to stay in office and to do that need to convince people to vote for them. It's a really simple truth, that's how a democracy works! They can spin it however they choose, but what better way to make it clear that they've created a surplus than to send out refund checks? (At the cost of $400,000 postage.)

In case you're wondering, those tv commercials they run around this time of year are to sway your vote too. Jeeze...

BTW, next year, when state lawmakers and the governor are not up

for election, the child tax rebate will be a credit on your income tax form.

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hopefully important things like gun control, taxes, fracking, education and the likes are important topics that should sway votes based on ones personal believes on what they find important..........if someone throws away their values and swings their vote towards someone who throws a few bucks at them that's a pretty sad move on the voters part, I hope everyone holds their personal beliefs as to what's right or wrong in a little higher regard than that.

Edited by jjb4900
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So $750 million in tax breaks isn't an important topic?

The timing and implementation are what is "questionable." Seems crystal clear to me but what do I know? For those who get their tax refunds direct deposited, why was this rebate sent by check? Why didn't they wait until after the elections to refund the money?

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All I can say is ..don't  be pissed at the people getting the checks. These people , me included, are being used by little King Andy, in an attempt to get votes. No one asked for or demanded a check. Its out of our hands. Focus your anger where it belongs. ..on this  man called the "Governor" & vote him out….Thats all we can do.

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Do you guys really believe they sent it out to sway your vote? My god that would hang you for treason in your own party…$350 bucks. 

You don't for  a minute think that the timing of this give-away is purely coincidental do you? You are witnessing why it is so hard to unseat incumbents. They have the funds (your funds) to basically bribe their constituents. They don't even worry about how blatant it is anymore. What really is ugly is that it actually works. Oh there may be those that are hard-core anti-Cuomo that will take the bribe and not honor it with a vote, but there are also plenty of not-so-committed voters that will see it as a caring gift from a benevolent government leader who "really cares for us"...... lol. It's like the welfare mentality that creates a huge solid block of voters simply because they measure the value of a candidate by how many goodies he supplies.


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As mentioned in another thread donate a part of the money to get andy out of office.  Most on here had no clue they were getting a check. shows how much they really pay attention to what is really going on.  Funny part it is a tax refund and a huge chunk of it is going to people who do not pay taxes and are on public assistance.  If you think that will not sway their vote in hopes of getting another check, you are really clueless.  it is not intended to sway our votes, but theirs to out vote us.  Put some of it to good use to get rid of him.  if all the gun owners sent 20 bucks of their refund to astorino, it would make a huge difference.  then send 25 to Paula.  It really will not hurt you that much. 

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