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Rattled-in 8 pointer in Madison County


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I rattled in this 8-pointer at 3:05 on Monday (third day of regular Southern zone) after being on stand since 6:15 a.m. that morning.  20+ mph winds, 35 degrees and plenty of rain.  I passed on four young bucks between 8:30 and 10:30. 

I grabbed the antler bag almost out of sheer boredom and started to rattle.  It has not worked for me in 12 years of hunting, I frankly didn't expect it to work then either.  After some rattles I heard a strange noise about 90 seconds later.  There was the buck at my 8:00 o'clock position about 35 yards away stomping and snorting/wheezing, looking for a fight.

I slowly raised my rifle (allowed in 7M) and shot him through the heart.  He ran 100 yards and keeled over dead.  He dressed out at just over 180 pounds. 

Taken in 7M near Eatonbrook Reservoir in the Town of Nelson.



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Nice YOUNG buck

2 1/2 years old.  Tempting to let him pass but we've worked hard on this property for four years to get the buck population up and better quality.  Given the 9 hours in wind and rain and the fact I rattled him in I felt the marginal size (by our own standards) was worth harvesting.  We have at least 4 other 8-pointers on the 70 acres, and a slew of young yearling bucks between spike and six points. 

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