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Goodbye Dixie

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Hardest part of owning a dog. It will hurt for a while. We as dog owners dead this day but it's the love that you had for her that means the most. I feel for you and each day will get better. She looked like a sweet dog and a mighty hunter! 

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So sorry for your loss, I know the feeling well as it has happened to me more times than I care to remember, and there is nothing that can be said to make me feel better when they pass as they were my best friends.

I found out long ago it is a part of life and something I was going to have to deal with if I wanted to be involved with hunting dogs. Dixie can never be replaced but jumping back in with a new pup goes a long way in easing the hurt.



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Sorry for your loss .

Over the past 70 years , I have had to have 2 dogs and 2 cats put down . The animals become just like family and it hurts to have that done . The 2 cats and one of the dogs were cremated and we have their remains on our fireplace mantel . I still miss them .

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