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NYS Winter This Year


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So how has your winter been so far this year?

Here in Bristol, I only had to plow once all year, and that probably wasn't really necessary. That time the snow-dump was only 6" or so. I probably could have driven through it. It has been colder than recent years but it seems that the snow has gone all around us, but mostly not here (so far). We did have some nasty ice accumulations on the driveway for a while.

So how did winter treat you all in your section of the state. I know that with the lake effect of NY off Lake Ontario and Erie, snow levels vary all over the place depending on wind direction.

However, beware of March snow. Some of the nastiest storms that I can remember have happened in March. 

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I was about the same as you Doc here in Howard. Just seemed like it stayed cold for long periods of time. Ice was bad! I have a 10x20 wood shed and used about 3/4 of it so far. Been cutting a few times and hope to have it filled again by end of next week. I like to be done in the spring. That way no pressure in the fall and may do a few trees if come across some that fall. 

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Winter was manageable in Niagara. We had some snow, cold, and wind. After the general storms came through that didn't generate much snow, only cold all season, the lake effect machine set up off lake Huron and Georgian bay out of Canada. Shoveled the driveway, pretty much to stay in practice. Maybe a few times with the tractor. Had to make way through a foot of snow in the woods to tap maple trees. Run started March 6th with about 4 inches left in the woods. Flow slowed to a trickle now. Snow melted quickly in time to find a few shed antlers. Large amount of deer on food sources, now. Robins, Red Wing Blackbird male and females, turkey vultures are all back. Winter losing it's grip, welcome Spring.

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Lifer in the upstate NY area...mainly Syracuse and the Tug Hill, for the past 33 years. This year was what an average year used to be like...granted, the Tug did get a memorable hit a couple times, but overall the season totals were barely a historic average. The past twenty five years have been pretty wimpy. That said, I got snowed out from my last week of Northern TIer deer hunting. I couldnt get to the camp! I was just glad to see the deer herd overall came through in good shape. A year ago though, we moved to Cortland, and as we expected, a mild winter compared to what we were used to. 

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Colder than a polar bears toe nail this winter. We had below average snowfall this year in the Buffalo area. I live north of the city and we tend to get considerably less snow than 5 miles south. I wish the lake ice would melt so the bone chilling winds would calm. 

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