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Potential Hate Crime

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When you are fired from your job and your former boss decries that your actions are not representative of a police officer....probably safe bet the former cop is a giant douche bag at the least and a bigot in most likelihood.

A man is paralyzed for life because the cop acted outside of his assigend powers/duties. He should go to jail for some time imo.

Im generally a skeptic with claims of police brutality but this is about as open and shut as can be.

I agree with this! The man more then deserves to be jailed!

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First, I don't do facebook. I just looked into this a little. The police were there because they were called there by a neighbor stating a suspicious person was looking in peoples garages. When they approached he didn't speak English. He reached into his pocket while they were trying to pat him down. A big no no. He got taken down, albeit a little hard, and was temporarily paralyzed. Not permanently. I certainly wouldn't say "Good old Southern redneck "Christian" values. The KKK in uniform" because of this one incident.

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Haha talk about someone trying to re-frame! I think you know the answer to your own question. Go and try to bait some one else. 

He stepped in it sooo bad on his post #15 that he deleted it. Total dim-witted screw up.


That's the 3rd time so far that he made a fool of himself shooting barbs at me.. I'm sure it won't be the last.


And I don't even have to respond to his posts to bait him.

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. When they approached he didn't speak English. He reached into his pocket while they were trying to pat him down. A big no no. He got taken down, albeit a little hard, and was temporarily paralyzed. Not permanently.

Wait, what?


In your last post you stated that the officer was obstructing the view & you couldn't see, now you have X-ray vision?


I went back & watched the takedown several times. while it clearly shows how unprovoked, sudden & blatently violent the take down was, I could not see the old man reaching into his pocket. I couldn't see his hands at all.


This a-hole needs to be made an example of. I wonder how many other times he's acted like this? Throw him in the slammer for at least 6 months among the sodomites. General population baby. No "one bunk Hilton" for him!


Oh, wait, the suspect couldn't speak English so that made him a threat. How silly of me,  sorry for the confusion.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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Hate Crime?Here we have 3 young lives that were taken and that is very sad!We give these youngsters a place to learn and do better for themselves then take their life/Muslim/ or not this is no way for any one to die.This SOB should be hung by his Ball's.You don't like me or the way I talk Then shut up And keep to yourself.These children could be our future Dr"s/Nurses.Our Country is going to go down the tube's forsure if these act's go unnoticed

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No, wise a$$, I don't have x ray vision. I was going by the police report. Neither you nor I can see the subjects hands. What if would have pulled out a weapon? And did you ever think that maybe his nationality had nothing to do with it? Try not to think like a liberal for a second..

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First, I don't do facebook. I just looked into this a little. The police were there because they were called there by a neighbor stating a suspicious person was looking in peoples garages. When they approached he didn't speak English. He reached into his pocket while they were trying to pat him down. A big no no. He got taken down, albeit a little hard, and was temporarily paralyzed. Not permanently. I certainly wouldn't say "Good old Southern redneck "Christian" values. The KKK in uniform" because of this one incident.

I have to say that it looks unprovoked to me but yes one man doesnt represent anything.

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I have to say that it looks unprovoked to me but yes one man doesnt represent anything.

Yes, it does APPEAR to be unprovoked. And it may very well MAY be. Sometimes things aren't what they appear though. It's a tough job. Only the officers that were there, and the subject know what really happened. Not some guy on the internet that saw a video and and says "Good old Southern redneck "Christian" values. The KKK in uniform"

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No, wise a$$, I don't have x ray vision. I was going by the police report. Neither you nor I can see the subjects hands. What if would have pulled out a weapon? And did you ever think that maybe his nationality had nothing to do with it? Try not to think like a liberal for a second..


I agree that sometimes or often police get screwed , as do people accused of crimes or sued. But are you effin serious, you "are going by the police report"? Like going by the forbs report on climate change.... 

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I agree that sometimes or often police get screwed , as do people accused of crimes or sued. But are you effin serious, you "are going by the police report"? Like going by the forbs report on climate change.... 



It's telling that you have nothing to say regarding the irrelevant AGU survey of 2009, from which you derived the spurious 98% claim. Not much of a Rosetta stone there in the end.


Instead you decided to shoot the messenger and ignore the message. Why is that Mike?


Do you still hang on to this claim as being true and accurate incidentally?

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Good old Southern redneck "Christian" values. The KKK in uniform.


Anyone "difernt" is "suspishus"!



Jeewiz Junkie.. Between all those Christian extremists and Koch Brother hired 'fascists' under your bed, it must be kinda crowded over at your house. I don't know how you get any rest.

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I was going by the police report. Neither you nor I can see the subjects hands. What if would have pulled out a weapon?

Oh I'm sure the police report would have said "Opps, my bad, I f---ed the guy up for no good reason."


His partner must not have had the stomach to cover up for this a-hole. Good for him.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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