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NY Senator wants to ban machetes.....

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Phade, you have my apologies on this one. I see you were referring to VJ in those posts. It was the 'lumped-in' nature of the writing that caused me some confusion.

See, I am happy to be wrong and make it known that I am wrong when it has been shown to be the case.

All is well then. We move on. No worries.

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I was really looking forward to a War on Christmas debate. Too bad that fizzled. A lot of pagans buy Christmas trees.


However, sticking to the topic at hand, when my son lived in Northern Ireland during the troubles many weapons were illegal. Sports equipment on the other hand was perfectly okay. Gangs of young thugs would walk the streets carrying baseball bats. It turns out that baseball bats were a very popular item in sports shops in the north at the time in spite of the fact that no one in N Ireland played the game.

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I was really looking forward to a War on Christmas debate. Too bad that fizzled. A lot of pagans buy Christmas trees.

However, sticking to the topic at hand, when my son lived in Northern Ireland during the troubles many weapons were illegal. Sports equipment on the other hand was perfectly okay. Gangs of young thugs would walk the streets carrying baseball bats. It turns out that baseball bats were a very popular item in sports shops in the north at the time in spite of the fact that no one in N Ireland played the game.

Having lived in Europe, I have an appreciation for how they can make weapons out of damn near anything.

I once witnessed a guy get beat up with a can of cranberry sauce.

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I was really looking forward to a War on Christmas debate. Too bad that fizzled. A lot of pagans buy Christmas trees.


Yes, many don't know that Christmas orignated as a pagan celebration of the winter soltace. On Decemeber 25th, the Romans celebrated the birth of the "unconquered sun" which was associated with Mithras.  Another pagan tradition is the celebration of "Yule". It is a Waccan celebration.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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Political Correctness has a way of preventing truth from being discussed.



And conservatives are just as guilty of "Political Correctness" & the "preventing  truth".


Political Correctness could be defined as; If it fits my politics, then it is correct. 

Edited by wildcat junkie
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Both of my kids got their bachelors degrees there. I don't recall the store. Maybe its new - like in last decade.

its right in the village, been there around since mid 90s at least. She was well known because she would pierce underage kids.

Moon magic...karen or something was her name. Dont know if she is still there but it went through a few incarnations. Praktical magic is a few stores down now i believe. No idea if it is related.

Ha, just looked and a karen runs practical...i bet same lady after all these years. Wiccan, tarot, ghost stuff.

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And conservatives are just as guilty of "Political Correctness" & the "preventing  truth".


Political Correctness could be defined as; If it fits my politics, then it is correct. 


I believe it was C. Heston who defined it perfectly.


"Political correctness is tyranny with manners."

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So now when this bill gets an appropriate boot, will we begin hearing about such things as "assault machetes". Perhaps one that has a two handed grip, with a serrated blade, maybe those of a black color. Isn't that the way those things are done? Make the general populace threatened and scared and concerned until they begin to demand that these implements are a scourge to the safety of all citizens. Encourage the media to sensationalize all incidents that involve machetes, until it is believed that assault machetes are used daily in all kinds of heinous crimes?


Sorry but all that is really no more ridiculous than this bill to ban machetes....lol. Assault machetes ...... don't be surprised.....ha-ha-ha.

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I believe the more they try to ban something, the more people want them.  Problem is, some violent criminals never considered using them until they hear how they may be banned.  Suddenly they think, "If they're that dangerous, I need to get one!"


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So now when this bill gets an appropriate boot, will we begin hearing about such things as "assault machetes". Perhaps one that has a two handed grip, with a serrated blade, maybe those of a black color. Isn't that the way those things are done? Make the general populace threatened and scared and concerned until they begin to demand that these implements are a scourge to the safety of all citizens. Encourage the media to sensationalize all incidents that involve machetes, until it is believed that assault machetes are used daily in all kinds of heinous crimes?


Sorry but all that is really no more ridiculous than this bill to ban machetes....lol. Assault machetes ...... don't be surprised.....ha-ha-ha.


FUD. Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. The political currency of the left. Scare the hell outta everybody so that you can grab a little more control.

The typical citizen buys into it. That the criminals aren't typical citizens is conveniently overlooked.

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Politics of all kinds affects hunting and hunters.  Christmas trees were brought up in this thread.  A comment about Christmas was posted and insults followed.  Anyone who posts insults, instead of addressing the issues in a post like a rational, intelligent,tolerant human being, should be taken to task.  Where is all of the tolerance we are always told people want forced on all of the US here?


                           VJ you do know there is no such thing don't you?

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Sorry Stubby.  I disagree, as I know of many, and have met many more in the past.  There used to be many more as a percentage of every day American society, but as things in this land devolved, they seem to have removed themselves from the mainstream in the interest of self preservation.


Let's just say rational, intelligent, tolerant people don't move in the same circles as the majority of the people in this country anymore.


Edited by Mr VJP
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Sorry Stubby. I disagree, as I know of many, and have met many more in the past. There used to be many more as a percentage of every day American society, but as things in this land devolved, they seem to have removed themselves from the mainstream in the interest of self preservation.

Let's just say rational, intelligent, tolerant people don't move in the same circles as the majority of the people in this country anymore.


What fact is that based on?
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Personal experience and the circle of friends I associate with.  There really are many different levels of American society in this century, and they do not often freely associate with each other on any regular basis.


The fact remains, there are rational, intelligent, tolerant people in this land.  Whether they get respect from any of the other people is the question.


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Politics of all kinds affects hunting and hunters.  Christmas trees were brought up in this thread.  A comment about Christmas was posted and insults followed.  Anyone who posts insults, instead of addressing the issues in a post like a rational, intelligent,tolerant human being, should be taken to task.  Where is all of the tolerance we are always told people want forced on all of the US here?


                           VJ you do know there is no such thing don't you?

The insults started with the Christmas tree post. Only those with a narrow minded poltical view would fail to perceive that.

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Not total lack of humor so much as what they make fun of.


Long established American values like God, religion, military, patriotism, hard work, hunting, gun ownership, marriage, heterosexuality, exceptionalism, white folks, fiscal restraint, legal immigration, etc., etc.


They just have an agenda driving their humor.


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