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Going to be all High Fence.

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FSW - since when do you offer hunts on your farm?

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Starting this fall. Why not? Just shy of 1000 acres of land in a solid block with great agriculture planted fields bordering 109,000 acres of pretty lightly hunted land and some great blood in the genetic pool. Its a win-win 130 inch minimum on bucks, which should be pretty simple and almost unlimited doe tags to be used.. It can be done in Ny like it is in Ohio,Kansas and other to deer states if ya know what your doing and do it right.  You going to be the first?

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Oh Gosh I'm so pleased you mentioned the 2014 link for, that coupled with the fact that the "plague" has been in western states and particularly around Elpaso county for decades...should make a reasonable person say hhmmmm his post title..."Going to be all high Fence" makes him (you) clueless.


That's what happens when a person delves into a subject instead of cherry picking just one source....they actually learn a bit of what is really at play. You do know I could do this all day, but well I'm busy and playing with you on this subject isn't challenging enough to bother further....Have a great weekend.... ;)

You say i am clueless when i put up a post about a deer and what very well may happen in the future and you counter my so called spin of the post with 4 clips that say jack squat about the disease and a deer. Next time you cherry pick your so called info maybe you can stay on track of what the freakin post was about and that was a DEER..Not a dog or cat or a bunch of varmints with flea's!


Try to keep up

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Starting this fall. Why not? Just shy of 1000 acres of land in a solid block with great agriculture planted fields bordering 109,000 acres of pretty lightly hunted land and some great blood in the genetic pool. Its a win-win 130 inch minimum on bucks, which should be pretty simple and almost unlimited doe tags to be used.. It can be done in Ny like it is in Ohio,Kansas and other to deer states if ya know what your doing and do it right. You going to be the first?

Your guiding inside or outside your fence? I'm confused

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Oh, good luck. Not sure there are any deer outfitters in NY with decent success rates

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How can i not...Take the best of QDM and the best of Deer Farming and bingo. Have you ever seen the genetics in my neck of the woods?  Its almost like my 250 inch bucks are breeding the wild does.  Strange Huh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So what will your rates be? What are you calling the service? Just out of curiosity ( so sarcasm on this, I am being serious ). Didn't there used to be a guide/outfitter from VT in here too ( I remember making a post about where he was and asking about the moose lottery in VT and never getting a reply back )? It will be interesting to see you guys vie for the top spot as Hunting NY's best local outfitter. 

I don't know many who consider NY a hunting destination. Or that would pay for a hunt here. But, who thought they would make Pluto a star and not a planet.

Best of luck to you on this endeavor.


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Seems to me high fence operations could all be banned in a heart beat if PETA ever got enough support to put an end to it as animal abuse.


I'm not worried about sick deer, but high fence operators should be worried about that.


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There are actually quite a few guide services here in NY, and some areas have excellent hunting.



You are right WNY. Just looked for the first time. I wonder who uses them. Seen shows about fishing in NY, never one about hunting in NY. We do have some big deer here, but I don't think it's enough to make someone spend a large amount of money to hunt here. I just cant see a man or woman sitting in WY, AK, or CO sitting around planning a trip here to hunt. But, people are strange.


If they ever made it so we had to hunt inside a fence in NY, I would move or stop hunting. The day ever comes where I am herded in like at a concert or a fair, or given a ticket that says "You are assigned stand #17" will be all she wrote! Image them stamping your hand like in a bar.


Nope, not for me. 

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Well they keep putting up fences where I hunt and call it "Forever Wild" a term I use to love until I actually found out what it meant.  Many trees with little life.  I for one am all for high fence hunting now.  I just need the blue line fenced in and I will be all set.  And yes I will spell it out, this means the ADK park blue line.  Otherwise it just would not be the same.


I have nothing against people doing fence hunts if that's what they want.  But they will receive no credit.  That is not hunting its target practice.


As for the plague?  You are all wrong and FSW is right, prepare for the zombie apocalypse!  ;)  :scratchhead:

Edited by NFA-ADK
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Seems to me high fence operations could all be banned in a heart beat if PETA ever got enough support to put an end to it as animal abuse.


I'm not worried about sick deer, but high fence operators should be worried about that.

Trust me my friend...After being in this business for pushing 20 years i have seen many come and go...They have tried .Along with groups like QDMA,NRA you name it and they have tried.  They cant handle the fact that some people like to hunt real mature deer and have a great time doing it. Sick deer..Yeah slim chance, If there is a test for it we have to test.  

Just like the write up  the other day about CWD in Kansas..They tested like 604 deer for CWD and found 10 positives.  Really..604 deer?  Tell me they are really looking for CWD or worried about it. CWD is a joke and was only made up to once again try to rid farming and high fence...Failure Again!

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You are right WNY. Just looked for the first time. I wonder who uses them. Seen shows about fishing in NY, never one about hunting in NY. We do have some big deer here, but I don't think it's enough to make someone spend a large amount of money to hunt here. I just cant see a man or woman sitting in WY, AK, or CO sitting around planning a trip here to hunt. But, people are strange.


If they ever made it so we had to hunt inside a fence in NY, I would move or stop hunting. The day ever comes where I am herded in like at a concert or a fair, or given a ticket that says "You are assigned stand #17" will be all she wrote! Image them stamping your hand like in a bar.


Nope, not for me. 

I take it you have never hunted the Seneca Army Depot.  Pick a ticket and get dropped off at your spot. Thats the rules to hunt that place.


Have you ever hunted a 1200 acre piece of property?

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No, I have never hunted the Seneca Army Depot. Doesn't depot mean a place to sell/buy things? I do not live in WNY! Yes I have hunted state land with far more acreage then 1200.

What's your point?

If it came down to paying to hunt land or giving up hunting? I would give up hunting. I most certainly would not hunt inside a fence! EVER! 

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You are right WNY. Just looked for the first time. I wonder who uses them. Seen shows about fishing in NY, never one about hunting in NY. We do have some big deer here, but I don't think it's enough to make someone spend a large amount of money to hunt here. I just cant see a man or woman sitting in WY, AK, or CO sitting around planning a trip here to hunt. But, people are strange.


If they ever made it so we had to hunt inside a fence in NY, I would move or stop hunting. The day ever comes where I am herded in like at a concert or a fair, or given a ticket that says "You are assigned stand #17" will be all she wrote! Image them stamping your hand like in a bar.


Nope, not for me. 


Ive seen shows filmed in NY before. Not as many as in the midwest or southwest though. Lots of people just like to hunt in different areas, and NY does offer a different deer hunting experience than many other places. Its better here than many places, but not as good as others.


I have to agree with you on the last part. That wouldnt be for me either.


As far as the Seneca Army Depot goes, thats not high fence, the deer can and do get in and out of that place regularly. You do pretty much hunt where they tell you to.

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Ah...Ballistic!  What a beast. Million dollar deer in the state of Wisconsin that throws 200 inch son's like clockwork.  It's funny how some of these outdoor writers always write about our breeder bucks in a bad way in their stories....But they ALWAYS pay well when they step behind our fences to get pic's of all those big bucks you see on their front cover's of their magazine's!


There is so much the average Joe has no clue about when it comes to high fence and the two faced people that down grade it it's crazy. Sure does not slow down the growth and the new hunters that join the ranks every year.  

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I am guessing that not all high-fence operations are created the same in terms of fair chase. It is not the height of the fence that makes for a canned hunt, or an unfair advantage, it is more the size of the area inside the fence and the human interfaces with the animals inside. If you're dealing with animals that have had too much contact with the owners and are stocked critters with names, you are probably dealing with a hunt that is not all that "fair chase" in nature. But, if you have a thousand or two acres of wild land and a truly wild population inside, you probably would be surprised how often you will return empty handed.


Take away the fence and all is well?? Hardly. There are plenty of ways to condition the prey animals to cooperate for your hunting success without using a fence at all. Animals are a slave to their food sources, and many hunters have the ability to manipulate those food sources without ever using a single piece of fencing.


I think the primary purpose of fencing often has as much to do with keeping trespassers out than keeping deer in.

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I am guessing that not all high-fence operations are created the same in terms of fair chase. It is not the height of the fence that makes for a canned hunt, or an unfair advantage, it is more the size of the area inside the fence and the human interfaces with the animals inside. If you're dealing with animals that have had too much contact with the owners and are stocked critters with names, you are probably dealing with a hunt that is not all that "fair chase" in nature. But, if you have a thousand or two acres of wild land and a truly wild population inside, you probably would be surprised how often you will return empty handed.


Take away the fence and all is well?? Hardly. There are plenty of ways to condition the prey animals to cooperate for your hunting success without using a fence at all. Animals are a slave to their food sources, and many hunters have the ability to manipulate those food sources without ever using a single piece of fencing.


I think the primary purpose of fencing often has as much to do with keeping trespassers out than keeping deer in.

True words Doc but be careful or someone may blame you for supporting high fence.  I will promise you i could take most nay sayers into a preserve and show them pics of bucks and say have at it and after a week they still would not have said buck..with a gun. Put a bow in their hands and they would never take him. Yes there are some bad apples and bad places but bottom line is if ya take the word Deer out and put any other animal in its place then it just became Ok with more than half of the people that say it not fair chase.  


I guess its still called fair chase with these guys shooting animals from 1000 yards away in todays world?  Not even close to being within the deers flight ability!  Yeah Ok....

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Well they keep putting up fences where I hunt and call it "Forever Wild" a term I use to love until I actually found out what it meant.  Many trees with little life.  I for one am all for high fence hunting now.  I just need the blue line fenced in and I will be all set.  And yes I will spell it out, this means the ADK park blue line.  Otherwise it just would not be the same.


I have nothing against people doing fence hunts if that's what they want.  But they will receive no credit.  That is not hunting its target practice.


As for the plague?  You are all wrong and FSW is right, prepare for the zombie apocalypse!  ;)  :scratchhead:


I have nothing against it either, but I feel the same way NFA-ADK feels. It's just not for me. Would you hunt a zoo if they let you? Maybe the Adirondack Animal Park? They have exotics! Wait, don't answer that!..I forgot where I was for a second!


I like the planning and scouting, I like just heading off into the woods looking for deer and deer sign. I enjoy putting in the work for my hunting. I even like the fact that deer can move from my hunting areas. Well, I don't actually like it, but I accept it as part of hunting. I like being able to go to our camp, or a state forest ( that allows it ) and set up a tent and camp for a weekend of hunting. :"The Chase" is part of hunting. I also enjoy 'still' hunting. Slowly walking through the woods, three steps stop and look, two steps stop and look......


What, how, and where people hunt is up to them. As long as they do it legal, I really don't care. I prefer to work for my deer/turkey/small game...If I eat tag soup, that's OK with me. Just means I have to think and work harder the next year. But, if they ever take the freedom to hunt where I want, when I want, and with whom I want away... Yes, I would quit hunting.

Edited by ....rob
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