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Ouch! someone made a boo boo....


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I would like to see links as well.


Still waiting for the links too.


So, it was from a magazine? Be it a reputable magazine I would still like to see a link from DEC or something official from NYS. How does a magazine have these 'facts', but there is nothing to support it on any official site?



So.....I will also ask, where are the links to supprt such a massive loss in revenue from the outdoors community? Are there even enough hunters or fishers in this state to supprt that kind of loss?

Break down:

Base Hunting License = $22

Bow = $15

ML = $15

Turkey = $10

Duck Stamp = $10

DMP's = $10

Fishing = $25


Total = $107.


Now break this down.....$107 into $7,000,000 = appx 65,420 people. IF they all buy everything. So, according to that magazine, 65,000 people went away?




You dont need to see that happen for the loss to occur. Do you have any idea how much non resident licenses were cut, and how many used to buy the bigger combo lisences that are no longer available? Just have a majority only buy what they know they will use (ie the most popular ones, small and large game and maybe doe tags and a fishing lisence) and you lose money quick.


Then take into account what phade said about many people not buying fishing lisences until spring/summer and $7 million in lost revenue as of spring time is entirely possible.


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Why thank you jjb! Those numbers still do not add up to the alleged loss ( if you think they do then show the math like I did ). There is no way 30,000 or more people stopped buying licenses, stamps or tags. Much less 60,000 or more. But, yet again, I am wrong and the 'clique' are right! So let it be written, so let the 'clique' word be law!



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License Sales

Overall, sales since April 1st are less compared to the same time period

in 2013 and grossrevenues are less by approximately $7.9 million:


Resident fishing license sales are down 12%


Resident senior fishing license sales are down 24%


Resident 1-day fishing license sales are down 66%


Resident 7-day fishing license sales are down 57%


Resident bow privileges are down 2%


Resident muzzleloader sales are down 8%


Resident turkey permit sales are down 15%


Resident hunting license sales are down 2%


Non-resident hunting license sales are up 1%


Non-resident fishing license sales are up 14%%


Non-resident bow privileges are up 4%


Non-resident muzzleloader sales are down 8%


Non-resident 7-day fishing license sales are down 57%


Non-resident 1-day fishing license sales are down 48%


Non-resident turkey permit sales are down 19%


o Deer management permit applications are the same

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Why thank you jjb! Those numbers still do not add up to the alleged loss ( if you think they do then show the math like I did ). There is no way 30,000 or more people stopped buying licenses, stamps or tags. Much less 60,000 or more. But, yet again, I am wrong and the 'clique' are right! So let it be written, so let the 'clique' word be law!

I didn't do the math..........was just providing the link that so many were requesting.

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Where are those numbers? Again no link!


Most of the new numbers are recorded form WNY and Downstate. The areas with money. I am POOR! I am a slob as defined by many people on here! That does not change the facts given by a magazine and calculated by a calculater of which I do know how to use! Those numbers from that rag are wrong! Again, last fall, even on this site there was a surge in people either getting back into hunting or starting hunting.


So, are the numbers up or down? Someone's FOS and it isn't me. Catch 22!


Rob, are you on a phone or something? Any particular reason you and others cant search things? I think your quote of 75,000 is for Jersey or vermont, Ny has about ten times that.... I think maybe you should cite the source of your numbers....


And I like others do not know where the OP got the info, but in post 55 near the top it reads this: in 2013 and gross revenues are less by approximately $7.9 million:


You seem to have a strong interest in casting doubt and confusion into what some are speculating, any reason why? And I am being generous with the term speculating so dont abuse it, one dollar times a million isnt going to change, And its on the record, and its on video.... I have had enough red herring for lunch this week, so I am off this thread, have fun....



Edited by mike rossi
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One more thing that needs to be stirred into the pot. There has been a huge run on Lifetime Licenses with some great deals for some of us who met certain age requirements a few years ago. I got mine for $50. What that means is that I am now taken out of the annual license sales pool forever. Statistically, it makes me and all other hunters holding lifetime licenses look like we simply exited the sport. They'll be getting no more annual license sales from us. They have messed around so much with licenses, and prices that it is darned near impossible to compare apples to apples anymore. So you can look at the revenue loss and still never know exactly what all the factors are that influenced the loss.


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One more thing that needs to be stirred into the pot. There has been a huge run on Lifetime Licenses with some great deals for some of us who met certain age requirements a few years ago. I got mine for $50. What that means is that I am now taken out of the annual license sales pool forever. Statistically, it makes me and all other hunters holding lifetime licenses look like we simply exited the sport. They'll be getting no more annual license sales from us. They have messed around so much with licenses, and prices that it is darned near impossible to compare apples to apples anymore. So you can look at the revenue loss and still never know exactly what all the factors are that influenced the loss.

Yes Sir!  They get no more cash from this cow for the most part. Still get Turkey tags i guess!

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All they get from me now is a middle-aged license at that is only because.of crossbow requirements. Change that and they won't get that anymore either....they should have Never done away with the super sportsman...That and lowering out of state tags...there are the "boo boo,s"

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I thought crossbows we're going to save us all?

The line (to the horizon) of youth hunters now hooked on hunting after their mid teens introduction to a cherry pickers season are the ones who will wrap it back toward the positive.

The DEC can't manage their own funds let alone natural resources/functions.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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