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Timber wolf


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So all summer long we've been hearing a large population of coyotes going off almost every night but quite often there is one that just don't sound like a coyote. It sounds to me and quite a few other people like a wolf. One day we watched at the time what I thought was a huge and very dark coyote walk across the field. This thing made my German Shepard look like a lap dog and she is every bit of 80 lbs. Well recently a few friends of mine were out and we heard the mystery howl and boy was it close. Well one of my friends went home and did so research and claims there are timber wolves in the area (Portville/Hinsdale area). Anyone else heard anything like that?

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Coydogs are very rare. Coyotes are very abundant. Wolves I doubt highly. I don't think a wolf would tolerate letting coyotes near where it was so that is the best clue it is not a wolf, along with that there has not been one sighted in the state in a century.


We have some big coyotes here and with their winter fur look even bigger.

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