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When to move


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If the wind is howling where you are the way it is here, you could walk through the woods breaking every branch in the woods, and dragging both feet through the leaves and never have deer hear you coming. so move around where ever you want. I usually use these kinds of days for scouting and getting updated on what's going on in different parts of the woods.


perhaps while on the move you can catch a whitetail being blown by. A big fish net can be useful on these kinds of days with super-winds.

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I recall one cold morning about 10 AM lowering my bow and just as my feet hit the first rung of the ladder I heard something. I look  back and its a doe on the hedge row 100 yards out. I scamper down, because I dropped the rope of course, grab the rope and pull it up. As I do a small buck runs off. 


I was in the corner of a overgrown field so I could see a ways. 


I watch the doe and all of a sudden this monster 10 jumps out and wants nothing to do with the doe. He's looking up the hedge row and his ears are back. All of a sudden a brawl is happening 40 yards from me. Another huge 9 and that 10 are fighting big! I drew 3 times and could not find a good shot. 


While this is happening a small 6 mounts that doe. She's clearly hot... 


The bucks fought for what seemed like 15 minutes. The 9 won and chased off the other big boy. Most of the fight was with the butt of one facing me. and when he was done chasing off that other buck I watched him urinate down his leg. He tore the ground up. It stunk... I could smell it. 


I waited an hour before I got down. I was walking out and bumped about 5-6 smaller bucks off the area and that doe was still around. 


Morale of story?? If there's hot doe around stay in your stand all day

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depending on the stand you might need to stay.  I just hunted a stand yesterday that I show up before dark to maybe check a buck headed back to bed early.  most of the deer come through between 9:30-11 though.  they're showed up by feeding on acorns across the ridge before they get to me and then others stretch their legs and come from the bedding area to hit acorns.  unless the wind is bad, I know target deer passed through and are feeding out in the field above, or get late lunch I never leave.  if you're cold or just can't sit still period like some people get then get up and move to be refreshed for another sit.


I've watched people leave stand at prime time hour before (pm) or after dark (am).

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i woulda stayed in that tree all day!


I recall one cold morning about 10 AM lowering my bow and just as my feet hit the first rung of the ladder I heard something. I look  back and its a doe on the hedge row 100 yards out. I scamper down, because I dropped the rope of course, grab the rope and pull it up. As I do a small buck runs off. 


I was in the corner of a overgrown field so I could see a ways. 


I watch the doe and all of a sudden this monster 10 jumps out and wants nothing to do with the doe. He's looking up the hedge row and his ears are back. All of a sudden a brawl is happening 40 yards from me. Another huge 9 and that 10 are fighting big! I drew 3 times and could not find a good shot. 


While this is happening a small 6 mounts that doe. She's clearly hot... 


The bucks fought for what seemed like 15 minutes. The 9 won and chased off the other big boy. Most of the fight was with the butt of one facing me. and when he was done chasing off that other buck I watched him urinate down his leg. He tore the ground up. It stunk... I could smell it. 


I waited an hour before I got down. I was walking out and bumped about 5-6 smaller bucks off the area and that doe was still around. 


Morale of story?? If there's hot doe around stay in your stand all day


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