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Something I noticed


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I'm not saying it's the best way to hunt or anything but Everytime I've had the wind in my face and I know the deer should be coming from that way they always come from behind me should we have the wind at out back so at least I can see them coming I know it sounds silly but I big on scouting and doing my homework and still this seems to happen to me

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The idea is for us to attempt to be up wind of their travel routes...problem is sometimes that just changes...Here at our place and camp it is up hill in the morning...down in the evening. That is until they are feeling pressured or in high winds...then it is wind to their back eyes front and cross wind travel...3 of my very best morning stands have the wind to my back and deer coming in down hill to my front...

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Wind changes. Unless you're in a climber your stand should really positioned to conceal you and provide good shots to as many lanes as possible.

Inevitably deer will always do something different than you expect. That's why I've always been bugged by the "hunt the wind" guys. Deer can and will do anything especially during the rut. Studies show after the guns go off they even can run with the crosswinds

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I also get a kick out of those who say: "hunt the wind, nothing else matters".  A problem with that is what to do in calm, or light variable winds which often prevail over the first and last hour of daylight when deer are most active.   The simple answer is to take some cheap, additional steps for scent control.  BO is the biggest culprit.  A stick of scent-free deoderant does wonders and does not cost much more than the perfumed stuff.  Scent free detergent and keeping you clothes outside of your living area helps out.   Skip all the cheap cologne, hairspray and perfumes.   Leave your coffee and cigarettes home.   Bad breath can bust you.  Keeping your teeth clean and watching what you eat can help.  Munching on an apple for a snack is a good idea, and hot cider is a great warm-up substitute for coffee.  The deer's nose is probably 1000 times more powerful than yours, but as long as you, or your wife/girlfriend/buddies can't smell you, then you might have a chance of fooling his nose in no-wind or light variable wind conditions.       

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I'm starting to wash my hunting clothes tonight in scent free/uv free detergent . Will put in plastic tubs and use as needed. Never wash them again after the season has started.  Scent free shampoo and soap and baking soda to brush teeth. No cologne at all til after season is over.  Playing the wind I agree isn't everything but by far the most important. I've killed deer when wind is the wrong way, with half an egg salad sammich protruding from my mouth. It was easier than I thought to get a good cheek weld too,lol. I'll drink my thermos of coffee and have an occasional cigarette and pee from my stand. I wear a scenlock hood . Would I see more deer with taking more precautionary measures probably so.  I'm always catching thermals where I hunt . I'll be facing into the wind and rolling the dice.

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I'm starting to wash my hunting clothes tonight in scent free/uv free detergent . Will put in plastic tubs and use as needed. Never wash them again after the season has started. Scent free shampoo and soap and baking soda to brush teeth. No cologne at all til after season is over. Playing the wind I agree isn't everything but by far the most important. I've killed deer when wind is the wrong way, with half an egg salad sammich protruding from my mouth. It was easier than I thought to get a good cheek weld too,lol. I'll drink my thermos of coffee and have an occasional cigarette and pee from my stand. I wear a scenlock hood . Would I see more deer with taking more precautionary measures probably so. I'm always catching thermals where I hunt . I'll be facing into the wind and rolling the dice.

I generally only wash outer layers of I somehow get dirty or bloody. Base layers get sweaty and washed often. Everything hangs outside all the time under the porch.

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I'm not saying it's the best way to hunt or anything but Everytime I've had the wind in my face and I know the deer should be coming from that way they always come from behind me should we have the wind at out back so at least I can see them coming I know it sounds silly but I big on scouting and doing my homework and still this seems to happen to me

Another freaky thing that I have noticed during the seeking phase of the rut is that many of the buck seem to be moving perpendicular to the  trails. It's kind of like they are moving in a direction to cross as many trails as possible. So I am positioned watching a major trail, and the buck comes in behind me ready to cross that trail and assumedly scent check it before moving across the next one. So if I have successfully put the wind in my face, coming from the trail I am watching, it's a 50-50 possibility that the wind is blowing from me right to the buck that is coming from behind me.

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I don't pay any attention to the wind direction anymore. All I know is that every time I see a deer it is moving with the wind. 


Every hunter has their own way of hunting, and that's cool by me. But as for myself I will continue to pay  close attention to the wind! Keep it in my face whenever I can. And always expecting the unexpected, as to where deer may come from. Good luck to all this season.

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