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well, I'm not broke...wash my hunting clothes in nothing other then baking soda and usually air dry, if that's not possible and you're pressed for time, use one of the hunting brand types of dryer sheets.....works for me...don't overthink it. Doesn't cost a fortune to go that route.

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As others have said, just hang your stuff outside. I don't take scent control to extremes anymore. I do shower in scent free soap before each hunt, wash clothes in scent free washer, hang stuff outside on covered part of the deck. I do take wind in my face while hunting to my advantage as much as possible though. For sure, you do not want to smell like an old billy goat. But there is nothing you can buy or use that will prevent a downwind deer from smelling you. Wish you the best of luck fearthebeard. I too have been finance challenged or broke in my lifetime. And I can tell you money does not make the hunter or the man.

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I don't dry anything other than hanging. Scent free soap is only going to be a few dollars more than baking soda. It's not substantial and you really just need half of what you would normally use unless your stuff is covered in blood or mud.

I don't wash my outer layers at all except before and after the season. Only stuff touching my sweaty skin gets washed at any frequency. I have the same bottle of detergent going on 3 years now.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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