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To the making a murder post...


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I have not ,probably won't watch it. That said It brought to mind the Death penalty. What are your thoughts on the current death penalty in this country?

I'll set the tone, It should be in all states....in cases of absolute certainty it should be carried out, BUT not right away for all.

See that's to quick for some...not quick enough for others. A psychological evaluation needs to be done in each case and the systems in general they will be housed. These can be done during the trial period.

I believe in real punishment. Those individuals that would do true "hard time" should be allowed this for at least a few years..Those narcissists that would be able to spend their time relishing in what they did and what they are,loving notoriety...need to be taken from the court house to an immediate execution.

We have as usual..not put an thought into the process.


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The only problem I have with the death penalty is it isn't severe enough for the scum of the earth that are sitting on death row. I would be ok with the death penalty for more things too....Rape, child molestation etc. If your family member is murdered and there is clear proof of who did it that family that is already grieving shouldn't have to wait years to put their torment to rest. Our ridiculousness of our society has given criminals more rights than the free people. The scum of the earth that escaped from the prison upstate this summer is clear proof of this. How they are not just sitting in a freakin jail rotting is beyond me. Then we find out that guards aren't even aloud to shine a flashlight in their cell at night??? Give me a break....Your right to a goodnights sleep or anything other than a bed, toilet and meals was checked when you did the crime. (I would be ok with hard floor and a bucket)Deal with it...but no....now they can get a free college education while they are in jail.....who the heck comes up with these idea's..??

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I have never believed that the death penalty should be use as a form of vindication, retribution, or vengeance... it should be used only to eliminate that individual from ever being a threat to society again. In my Opinion...Hatred is no reason to kill in any capacity.

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The death penalty should be used in all "proven beyond doubt" capital murder cases, for the simple reason these criminals do not deserve to be kept alive at huge taxpayer expense for the rest of their lives.  They have not earned that privilege and it's a huge WASTE of tax dollars.  It ain't cheap to house someone in prison for decades.


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I also believe that jail in general should be purposely a very horrible place to be. It needs to become a punitive, unpleasant experience such that once someone gets out, it becomes very clear to them that they don't EVER want to go back.


Death penalty? ...... Whenever there is no doubt of guilt, execution should be used. Yes there will be times when crap happens. But the old eye-for-an-eye philosophy seems appropriate to me.

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There have a been many "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" that have been exonerated once breakthroughs in forensic science has been made.  That said, I am also a firm believer that the masses override the individual and some eggs will be broken when you make the omelet.  I believe in the death penalty.  I believe first time offenders should be excluded from the death penalty.  In other words, if someone has been a model citizen but all of a sudden has been found guilty of a heinous crime and maintains his/her innocence, then they get life in prison.  If someone such as Steven Avery who has a history of violence and crime if found guilty of a heinous crime, then yes, the death penalty should be handed out.  In a case similar to Steven Avery, sure, they could have been falsely accused and mistakes can happen when an innocent person is put to death.  That is why I would give the first time offenders the life sentence instead of the death penalty because frankly, if a mistake was made on someone of like Steven Avery who douses a live cat in gasoline and sets it on fire, I would not shed a tear.

Edited by Elmo
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Blood for blood, and eye for an eye. You kill someone ( other then honest self defense ) you hit death row and and get one last fix from a needle. Same goes for the super scum who mess with children in any way.

Don't keep them on "row" for weeks, months, years. Get it done. Everyday a lowlife spends in jail or prison is a day paid for by tax payers. 

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