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And yet we had numerous anecdotal accounts by people here, of empty parking lots on state lands, and few shots fired this last season.[/quote

Funny you say that. I did a quick search of orange army and one of your comments came up first lol. Seems like from many of the comment there was plenty of people in the woods.

Anyway. What do you say to people who arent fortunate to own or have friends who own land?

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The National Wildlife Refuge system in particular is a unique treasure in the USA. I can't imagine any sportsman, hunter, fisher, nature lover or conservationist hating NWRs. If you are interested in learning more about the ideals and management of the NWR system here is a lot of info out there.


History: http://www.fws.gov/refuges/history/over/over_main_fs.html

Mission: http://www.fws.gov/refuges/about/mission.html

Land acquisition and funding: http://www.fws.gov/refuges/about/acquisition.html

Land and Wildlife Management: http://www.fws.gov/refuges/whm/



They exist primarily because of federal level funding (through the Migratory Bird Fund, etc). States, frankly, could not handle this, financially nor in terms of manpower or orgnization. The nation and continent-wide network of science coming out of the NWR system is priceless. As are the benefits to land, water, plants, animals, and people too. I respect state's rights, but the fracturing of NWRs to the state level would be devastating to the progress we have made in conservation in the last 100 years. Given how the world is going, they will prove to be crucial in the future.


I'll just leave this as well. https://medium.com/@travislongcore/i-stand-with-linda-sue-beck-a651895b71ce#.r6ye9mgc6

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And I disagree with the "state land was little visited".   One of the main reasons people stay clear of public land is that there are too many hunters on it.  

Getting a bit far afield from the original topic, But I think this comment deserves a brief reply.


I think those that have complained about the silence on state land, are speaking in a comparative sense. I am one of those that has commented on how quiet our parcel of public land was in recent years. And I am using an observation base of 56+ years on that same parcel of land when making that statement. If people feel there are still too many hunters on those lands, they really would have been unhappy 40 or 50 years ago ..... lol.


However, that observation does not diminish the importance of that land to hunting in general. Over those 56 years of hunting, I have also watched thousands of acres locally that have been locked up and posted, and I assume that is happening state wide. In many cases, public lands are all that are left to many.

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Getting a bit far afield from the original topic, But I think this comment deserves a brief reply.


 I am one of those that has commented on how quiet our parcel of public land was in recent years. And I am using an observation base of 56+ years on that same parcel of land when making that statement. If people feel there are still too many hunters on those lands, they really would have been unhappy 40 or 50 years ago ..... lol.



So either there are simply less hunters across the board, or a lot are posting and buying private land, presumably still hunting? 


Every single patch of private property in our area is hunted, bar one. And  you just know the locals either trespass here or hunt the heck out of the edges of this piece. We don't have any state land near by, so this is how things are around my way, always have been.


Someone asked about hunters and what they should so do if they have no private access. Well, if they are keen enough, they will make the hike to the nearest state park, which historically sounds like they are under-hunted compared to previous generations, or they can take up a new hobby. If I was not willing to put some effort into something I claim to love doing, I might have to reevaluate my levels of seriousness in that regard.


I know  a lot of folk that travel far and wide to indulge their hiking,snowboarding and skiing hobbies.

Edited by Papist
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 According to jerko@@ Papist if we don't put "effort" into doing what we do we shouldn't do it.



You should come in and give that lecture to my students. They are generally a very lazy bunch, and I know they would really appreciate your take on what makes for a successful life and career.  Lord knows, they hate to hear about how much effort it takes to achieve success in their chosen courses of study. You are a product of our age. lol

Edited by Papist
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So either there are simply less hunters across the board, or a lot are posting and buying private land, presumably still hunting? 


Every single patch of private property in our area is hunted, bar one. And  you just know the locals either trespass here or hunt the heck out of the edges of this piece. We don't have any state land near by, so this is how things are around my way, always have been.


Someone asked about hunters and what they should so do if they have no private access. Well, if they are keen enough, they will make the hike to the nearest state park, which historically sounds like they are under-hunted compared to previous generations, or they can take up a new hobby. If I was not willing to put some effort into something I claim to love doing, I might have to reevaluate my levels of seriousness in that regard.


I know  a lot of folk that travel far and wide to indulge their hiking,snowboarding and skiing hobbies.

Liberals consider the display of the Confederate flag as being racist....as shown in your avatar pic.

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So either there are simply less hunters across the board, or a lot are posting and buying private land, presumably still hunting? 

Or, all of the above. I think also that there is a condition where hunting habits have changed so that it may appear that public land is underutilized. What I mean by that is that 30 or 40 years ago, the space age fabrics were not invented yet, and hunters usually were forced in moving quite early in the day just to keep warm. Now guys hunker into their treestands or at the base of a tree and sit like a lump all day. So you get the initial action in the first hour or so and then it all goes quiet, making it sound like everything is deserted.

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Like a press release from another rightwing militia group holds any creditability. Now who has drank the Kool-Aid?  



When you say 'militia', you mean former and serving cops and military right? You got something against them? You a card carrying Pinko?




Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders,  who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial. See the Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey for details.



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This is also very interesting........




FBI agents have been posing as militia members and intimidating the townspeople of Burns, Oregon.

Chris Briels, the Fire Chief of Burns, has just resigned in disgust over these actions.


This has about as much credibility as the "BLM burning out ranchers" bullshit videos you posted.


He was the fire chief of the local VFD & he resigned because the Judge had issues with him serving on a "committee" formed by the refuge trespassers.


You're really grasping at straws now aren't you?


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Here you go. The clown circus continues.


The refuge trespassers are now trespassing on neighboring private property tearing down fences setting rancher's cattle loose.


The angry rancher had to go out & repair those fences himself.


Theses clowns would be a great comedy act if they weren't infringing on the rights of everybody else for their own selfish delusions.


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