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::Edited title:: police shooting

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It looks bad.

But, we've been burned so many times now by even video of "murdering cops" and then it is proven later the cop acted legitimately that I'm hesitant to make a judgement. All we know for certain in that video is that:

1) Guy was acting like an idiot (when was the last time the cops were giving you commands and you kept walking away? Was he high)

2) He had his hands up

3) He got shot

We don't know what happened between 2 and 3. He got shot while near his car. Was he reaching for a gun inside of it? I have no idea.

If I had to bet my life on it I'd say the cop acted incorrectly here, but I am no longer sure after seeing so many vids of armchair prosecutors concluding guilt before we know all the facts, whether it's with gentle mike or that guy recently shot on his back while reaching for a gun.

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First of all, the beginning of the situation isn't shown.  We don't know what kind of insanity he displayed prior to the start of the video.  The man had his vehicle in the middle of the road and it was running.  He did not comply with officer instructions and all of his actions were nonsensical and made the cops nervous.  When he got to his vehicle, against the warnings from police, he lowered his hands and appeared to be trying to open his car door, or put his hands in his waist band.  At this point failure to comply is at a critical point, the point where cops get killed by non-compliant suspects.  He was tazed to no effect.  In the blink of an eye, he could pull out a gun and shoot.  Nothing this guy did makes any sense if he wanted to live.  All he had to do was comply and do what he was told, but he refused to do that.  This guy was either high on drugs, or wanted to commit suicide by cop so his family could sue and walk away with millions.  You wouldn't be seeing any of this on TV or the internet if he did pull a gun and shoot that cop.  You fail to comply with a cop's orders, you are risking your own life.  Everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes that reason is you are stupid and make poor choices.  This cop surely didn't want to shoot this guy.  She just wanted to go home to her family at the end of her shift, even if it meant shooting this guy.

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As an aside, I'm fed up with this guy's anti police posts, jumping to conclusions before evidence is examined and the vulgarity he displays against police in his thread title.  If the same thing were done to videos of blacks shooting cops, the posting party would be banished from the forum for life.  This is hatred, and an attempt to incite hatred.  To what end?  Killing police?  This needs to stop.

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9 minutes ago, Rattler said:

He did not comply with officer instructions and all of his actions were nonsensical and made the cops nervous.  Sometimes that reason is you are stupid and make poor choices. 

So in your pursuit of constantly defending murdering cops these two reason you cited are legitimate reasons for the scumbag with badges to shoot someone? Perhaps one day while returning home from a hunting trip, with guns in your car, you are stopped by another idiot in blue who sees the guns in your car and shoots you. Do you think your family would then be as supporting of the police as you constantly are?  

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4 minutes ago, Rattler said:

jumping to conclusions before evidence is examined 

All the evidence I need is shown in the posted video. It clearly shows murdering scum with badges shooting another unarmed black guy. 

Perhaps if the actions of the police where different then maybe they wouldn't be the subject of nationwide hatred.  

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You do not deserve a reply.  You have a hatred for police that blinds you to the issues they deal with and their desire to stay alive.  You are lower than whale feces.  You are the type that celebrates killing cops.  I have no fear of the police because I understand them and always make them feel safe and at ease whenever I encounter them.  They have never shown me anything but appreciation and respect when I deal with them.  It's the attitude you probably display towards cops that make your encounters with them so hostile.  You are the problem.  The police are not.

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15 minutes ago, Rattler said:

You are the problem.  

Once again you are wrong. There are many others like me who see the numerous crimes committed daily by those dressed in blue. It is you and a handful of others who refuse to face the facts that are presented on a nearly daily basis that clearly shows the criminal element that has taken over police departments across the country. 

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Police shootings are on the rise.  You don't think they should be on guard and hypersensitive to people who pose a threat?  When the police stop going after these people, these people will be coming after you.


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13 minutes ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Once again you are wrong. There are many others like me who see the numerous crimes committed daily by those dressed in blue. It is you and a handful of others who refuse to face the facts that are presented on a nearly daily basis that clearly shows the criminal element that has taken over police departments across the country. 

What you call a crime is often found to be anything but.  Your bias has blinded you to the truth.  The police hating people are the ones who are only the hand full.  I examine all of the facts, not just face them.  When the facts show the person got shot because of his own actions, it is not the police officer who is to blame.  The criminal element is what has caused cops to start shooting when people do not comply with instructions.  The police do not have the chance to make one mistake.  People like you seem to be advocating police not be able to do their jobs.  You must be a supporter of criminals and crime if that's what you want.

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1 hour ago, Uptown Redneck said:

So in your pursuit of constantly defending murdering cops these two reason you cited are legitimate reasons for the scumbag with badges to shoot someone? Perhaps one day while returning home from a hunting trip, with guns in your car, you are stopped by another idiot in blue who sees the guns in your car and shoots you. Do you think your family would then be as supporting of the police as you constantly are?  

Well that is unlikely. You've probably noticed that in, hmm, 100% of these recent cases the person who got shot--even when it WAS murder (like the guy who shot the dude while running and planted something on him)--the guy who ended up dead was clearly acting like a clown at the time it happened; he antagonized some reaction from the cop. Just not necessarily the right one.

I can think of very, very few videos in which somebody is simply shot at by a cop for no reason at all. I can only think of one off the top of my head (black guy at gas station reaching for wallet gets shot by insane trigger happy cop).

All the evidence I need is shown in the posted video.

Wrong. Again, we've seen a lot of these vids lately and then it turns out that on second thought maybe something else happened after all. Best example is the guy who was "shot for selling CDs" recently, yet a second video later shows us that oh I guess he was going for his gun after all.

This video we just don't know enough about. It inconveniently happens to have the SUV right in the way during the shooting. She may have murdered this guy in cold blood. Or, he may have been reaching for a weapon. The video doesn't answer that.

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I edited your title, you can have your opinion, watch the language you post. Thanks

There isn't enough evidence in the video to support a cop deliberately shooting an unarmed man. It's easy to jump to conclusions behind a computer screen, but not put yourself in the shoes of an officer who deserves to go home to his family as well...

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"Last night a protest over the killing of a black man by a black police officer erupted into rioting in Charlotte, North Carolina. The rioters shut down part of Interstate 85 and attacked police vehicles. Police sought to protect a nearby Walmart from looting and dispersed the rioting mob with tear gas. Evidently, some people think looting of stores is an acceptable means of protesting injustice since it happens after every one of these incidents. At least 12 Charlotte police officers were injured by the rioters.

Once again the Leftmedia continues to promote the false narrative that all law enforcement is racist against blacks. Pointing to the recent shooting of an unarmed black man by police in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Hillary Clinton argued that the narrative is justified. "Maybe I can, by speaking directly to white people, say, look, this is not who we are," she said before the Charlotte riots broke out. "We have got to do everything possible to improve policing, to go right at implicit bias." What more "justification" did rioters need?

The problem of assuming police racism before the completion of any investigation does nothing to promote true justice. Time and time again, as these investigations fully run their course, the police officers are exonerated. But that matters little to the Left. It's the narrative of "racist cops" that matters most, irrespective of the actual circumstances and facts of a particular incident. Consider it part of what Barack Obama's spokesman Josh Earnest recently called the "narrative battle." The trouble is, cops pay a heavy price in this war.

This crusade by the Left against police is part of a larger effort to fundamentally transform America. History is reinterpreted through the prism of the Left's worldview. For the Left, guilt is established not by facts but by association. Terminology such as "white-privilege" and "alt-right" is invented to further the leftist/socialist ideology that America is fundamentally an unequal and unfair nation. Therefore, the "cops are racist" narrative is a tool used to justify pushing for the radical transformation of the nation into a socialist state."

Mark Alexander


BTW: The NC thug was black and was told about a dozen times not to reach for his gun.  The officer that shot him was also black.  How can anyone claim a black cop is racist and just wants to murder black people?  Perhaps he knows black thugs are most likely to kill him, so he is prepared when they try.

Edited by Rattler
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The NC thing is a total farce.

His daughter or somebody said he was reading a book and got shot to death by police.

The police's version of events, as promoted by their black police chief is that a black cop shot this guy, who had a gun, after multiple requests to put it down.

Tell me guys: Which story do you think happened?

But, who cares. Let's go loot walmart and throw rocks off overpasses at cars.

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2 hours ago, Rattler said:

Lawlessness has become the norm since America elected it's current lawless president.

Where most of us live it hasn't changed a bit because we know better and it was never high to begin with.  But there is way too much pandering to criminals; the "I get why you're mad" stuff, even when most of the mad lately has been madness based on lies.

My view of police was deteriorating over time based on no-knock warrants, over-militarization of police, the blue-wall of lie telling, etc. But in the past year or two my opinion has gone way up because I see the kind of crap they have to deal with and how even when they act perfectly they can still get fired or raked across the media coals.

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Once again, as the facts emerge, they prove cop haters have an agenda and will always push to create hatred of police before the facts come out.


So pretty much exactly what we said to begin with. Eventually people will figure it out: when there is a cop shooting the actual facts almost never match the "omg the police murdered him!!!"

That link confirms my original sense that since they waited to shoot him until he was at the car that they may have seen something the helicopter doesn't show.

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So the gov is sending in the national guard in NC now.

Why? Because a guy who had a gun ignored commands from cops and was shot dead.

Where is Obama in all of this? Where is the leadership to tell people to stop acting like fools and wait until they know the facts? 

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It's important to keep in mind exactly what's behind the whole, "cops are bad" narrative. The police are local, not federal. They're responsive, for the most part, to the needs of the people they directly serve. This doesn't sit well with those who think that the federal government knows best when it comes to... well, everything.

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Where is Obama?  He is too busy trying to get his mistress Hillary elected, thats where.  Besides the point he is the biggest disappointment of a president when it comes to racial hatred.  Think about that, He had the whole world watching him, he had the greatest opportunity  being the first black president to turn the racial hatred around in this country.  And what did he do?  Golfed that is what.  Now we are in a more dire racial hatred state than ever. This country thanks to him and his political liberal cronies have managed to turn this country to shit.

Edited by wdswtr
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Although a black cop who works for a black police chief shot a black guy, white people are the devil, according to Scott's brother. You won't see this posted on cnn.



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I watched as 2 African Americans were shot while protesting but the focus was still on the police. I really think a lot of the frustration for African Americans has to do with the failure of Obama. He is a 2 term African American POTUS, that had a chance to champion for all minorities. So what's his biggest boasts For 8yrs Obama care & IRAN! So without Leadership things full apart, especially when many were hopeful for change like MLK brought forth. His failure as a leader of all American's is evident by what's happing in the world today. Is the world better off today than it was 8yrs ago. So what is his answer, Vote for Hillary? really more failed policies ? All People in this country and NC need proper leadership and guidance not that of The BLM or race baiters.

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10 hours ago, Core said:

So the gov is sending in the national guard in NC now.

Why? Because a guy who had a gun ignored commands from cops and was shot dead.

Where is Obama in all of this? Where is the leadership to tell people to stop acting like fools and wait until they know the facts? 

Obama is busy burning fuel in Air Force One campaigning for Hildabeast ...... Either that of having lunch withAl Sharpton and the BLM leaders .

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