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FDNY hires nine ex-felons amid effort to boost diversity | New York Post

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Diversity Does not bother me  much as long as they can do the job right and not a felon .

But(  they have to be able to do the job right!!!!  )

not like a  certain guy who never had a job before and did nothing for 8 years except make great speeches .  After 4 years he should have been gone he got his chance and mess up . Thats it .

Anyone else would have been kicked out after doing nothing for 4 years .  They gave him the  Nobel Peace Prize the first week he got in there for gods sakes . Has there been peace in the near east ? 

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22 minutes ago, ants said:

Just heard that the Denver County sheriff's Dept. was fined 10k for not hiring ILLEGAL immigrants in their last hiring phase!! LoL!!! Yeah ..lets sit still and pretend theres not a big problem with over the top progressives LOL!!!

See thats the thing with them you give them a arm and they want the whole leg too . Lol 

Unreal . 


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1 hour ago, ants said:

Just heard that the Denver County sheriff's Dept. was fined 10k for not hiring ILLEGAL immigrants in their last hiring phase!! LoL!!! Yeah ..lets sit still and pretend theres not a big problem with over the top progressives LOL!!!

Thats not totally true.  They were fined 10k for passing over "work-authorized immigrants" aka legal immigrants. They were never fined for not hiring illegal immigrants.  Nor do they advocate for that.   Can you please cite your source of info where it says they were fined for not hiring illegals.  


Wether your believe only naturalized citizens should hold law enforcement jobs is another topic in its own.  But i thought we liked legal immigrants?   The problem we have is with illegal immigrants.  Is there an issue with legal immigrants being hired?   


So Yes they were fined 10k. but No, they were not fined for not hiring illegal immigrants   




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54 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

Thats not totally true.  They were fined 10k for passing over "work-authorized immigrants" aka legal immigrants. They were never fined for not hiring illegal immigrants.  Nor do they advocate for that.   Can you please cite your source of info where it says they were fined for not hiring illegals.  


Wether your believe only naturalized citizens should hold law enforcement jobs is another topic in its own.  But i thought we liked legal immigrants?   The problem we have is with illegal immigrants.  Is there an issue with legal immigrants being hired?   


So Yes they were fined 10k. but No, they were not fined for not hiring illegal immigrants   




So let me get this straight now our government is outsourcing government jobs to immigrants  unreal . 

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1 hour ago, Deerstalker said:

So let me get this straight now our government is outsourcing government jobs to immigrants  unreal . 

Well.  They didn't hire any legal immigrants.  So technically they didn't outsource anything.  I was just clarifying the statements made about hiring illegal immigrants, which was false.

 If some man/woman from England or Scotland moves here, for example, and is more qualified to be an employee, then by all means they should be hired.  Why not?   Thats just my opinion.  I want the best and brightest contributing to our country, regardless of ethnicity, religion, sex, etc.  Not because of some quota that needs to be filled.  If you don't want the best candidate that could fill a position, then you must support this so called diversity quota.  Like I said earlier, if you only support US born citizens to fill a govt position thats your opinion.  But for me,  I want the best candidate for the job.

Edited by diplomat019
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3 hours ago, diplomat019 said:

Well.  They didn't hire any legal immigrants.  So technically they didn't outsource anything.  I was just clarifying the statements made about hiring illegal immigrants, which was false.

 If some man/woman from England or Scotland moves here, for example, and is more qualified to be an employee, then by all means they should be hired.  Why not?   Thats just my opinion.  I want the best and brightest contributing to our country, regardless of ethnicity, religion, sex, etc.  Not because of some quota that needs to be filled.  If you don't want the best candidate that could fill a position, then you must support this so called diversity quota.  Like I said earlier, if you only support US born citizens to fill a govt position thats your opinion.  But for me,  I want the best candidate for the job.

Lol you dont need a foreign-born person to do a government job lol 

Give me a break lol  

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2 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Diplomat have you forgotten according to the bigoted majority here unless you are white and your family stretches back to the Mayflower then according to them you deserve absolutely nothing

As for FDNY hiring ex-felons, good for them, they served their time and they should be given a second chance at life.   

Are you a felon uptown?

You seem to have lots of bad feelings about law order and cops ?

And seem to be pro criminal .


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Just to clarify a point here, there is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant". By definition an immigrant is a foreigner who has legally become a US citizen. You're talking about immigrants vs illegal aliens. I'm not sure what it has to do with released felons, though.

I have no problem with 'repentant' felons being given a second chance in life and I've even hired a few over the years to work in construction for me. Mostly guys who just messed up at some point in their early adullthood. But with the mass releases recently being orchestrated by the president and several state governors, Id be very leery about allowing a convicted burglar free access to property belonging to someone else. "Yes your Honor, we put out the fire very quickly and with minimal damage. I have no idea why so many items were missing from the home."?:sorry:

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2 hours ago, philoshop said:


I have no problem with 'repentant' felons being given a second chance in life and I've even hired a few over the years to work in construction for me. Mostly guys who just messed up at some point in their early adullthood. 

 Good on you for giving people a second chance. That's a very noble thing to do.  I'm with you on that. When you're young sometimes you make some stupid decisions that come back and haunt you for the rest of your life. So to be given a second chance means a lot. I'm sure the people that you hired we're very grateful for that opportunity because I'm sure more than a few doors were slammed in their face. 

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11 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

 Good on you for giving people a second chance. That's a very noble thing to do.  I'm with you on that. When you're young sometimes you make some stupid decisions that come back and haunt you for the rest of your life. So to be given a second chance means a lot. I'm sure the people that you hired we're very grateful for that opportunity because I'm sure more than a few doors were slammed in their face. 

One of my hires turned out to be an unrepentant thief and I helped send him right back to prison, and to get the homeowner's property returned to them. I lost some business for a while as i cleared it up. That was almost 15 years ago when scrutiny regarding release was much stricter, and I'm not sure I would do it today.

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8 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Diplomat have you forgotten according to the bigoted majority here unless you are white and your family stretches back to the Mayflower then according to them you deserve absolutely nothing

As for FDNY hiring ex-felons, good for them, they served their time and they should be given a second chance at life.   

Not what most here are saying . Just want people who are here legal and  actually love this country  believe in the Constitution  and not some other form of government.

For example some  Sheik from Saudi Arabia can come here legally. But if he wants some other form of government like a religious Kingdom or theocracy.

That person has no business working as a government employee in this country.


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On 11/22/2016 at 8:12 PM, diplomat019 said:

Thats not totally true.  They were fined 10k for passing over "work-authorized immigrants" aka legal immigrants. They were never fined for not hiring illegal immigrants.  Nor do they advocate for that.   Can you please cite your source of info where it says they were fined for not hiring illegals.  


Wether your believe only naturalized citizens should hold law enforcement jobs is another topic in its own.  But i thought we liked legal immigrants?   The problem we have is with illegal immigrants.  Is there an issue with legal immigrants being hired?   


So Yes they were fined 10k. but No, they were not fined for not hiring illegal immigrants   




Some food for thought on this issue,

"While Lois Lerner and her acolytes at the Internal Revenue Service got away with unlawfully blocking the tax-free applications of conservative groups — which the agency is still doing, by the way — Obama's Justice Department is busy punishing those who actually take Rule of Law seriously.

The latest example comes from Colorado, where the Denver Sheriff Department was handed 
"a $10,000 fine after it required applications for deputy sheriff jobs to be U.S. citizens when hiring from the beginning of 2015 through March 2016," the Washington Examiner says. To remedy the situation, "The department will ... have to go through old applications to find applicants who were eliminated because of their citizenship status and reconsider them for future jobs" and "will also have to train its human resources staff on the Immigration and Nationality Act's anti-discrimination provisions."

This from the administration that selectively enforces immigration law.

Heritage Foundation fellow Hans von Spakovsky outlines the reasons the statute likely isn't applicable in this case. Also, don't miss the irony here. The IRS, to name just one example, spent years circumventing the law in order to subjugate Tea Party groups. But when it comes to the DOJ, its behavior is hardly different; the agency is selectively enforcing rules based entirely on whether it benefits the Left. Spakovsky writes, "Given the importance of the job done by law enforcement officers throughout all levels of government to protect the public from those who would harm them ... requiring citizenship seems like a basic, commonsense qualification."

"The federal government certainly thinks so," he adds, "because it does not apply this statute to itself. If you want to be a special agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which often works closely with local law enforcement, including sheriff's departments like Denver's, the FBI website specifically says that you 'must be a United States citizen.' The same is true of the U.S. Secret Service, which routinely discriminates against noncitizens in a manner that no doubt horrifies the DOJ's Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices." You know what else requires U.S. citizenship? You guessed it — the DOJ.

Federal agencies are hardly immune to corruption. They never have been. But when the Justice Department bends the rules — for example, by refusing to prosecute IRS bureaucrats and by enforcing rules from which it exempts itself — the administration can hardly be considered "the most transparent in history." It's a fast track to tyranny."

The Heritage Foundation



This is the issue most American's have with this administration.  They do not follow the Rule of Law until they want to use it against the opposition.

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And yet as FF's were told we're " held to a higher standard ."

I know guys who were passed over because they had a speeding ticket still on their driving record . The background check is over 40 hours , work history , school records, driving record , credit history , interviews of neighbors and on and on .

Everyday I'm Inside people's homes and businesses  ,  often without anyone present but ourselves ,we have lock box keys that let us into untold buildings  24/7 .

We have the people's trust , largely because of the rigorous screening process ,that used to be in place .

Id guess by the time one got felony convictions they've had a few " second chances" that they blew .

Edited by Larry302
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