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Not Out Of The Question......


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Not set up to raise chickens or turkeys in my current neighborhood, but I sometimes daydream about going a little more off the grid, and getting my own flock of turkeys. I'm pretty confident I'd become a contest-level caller if I had enough time to interact with live turkeys day to day.

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Few years back I had a kid up turkey hunting. We heard gobbles down the back of my property. We set up and had this tom gobbling like crazy just couldn't get him to come in. While having breakfast later that morning my neighbor comes over and I tell him the story. He laughs and says my neighbor behind us got a bunch of turkey and a tom. We had a big laugh...

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6 hours ago, Uncle Nicky said:

Not set up to raise chickens or turkeys in my current neighborhood, but I sometimes daydream about going a little more off the grid, and getting my own flock of turkeys. I'm pretty confident I'd become a contest-level caller if I had enough time to interact with live turkeys day to day.

We raised some last year and after butchering I had to go get a couple more because I enjoy having them so much. My Tom gobbles and struts all day and I get a kick out of making him gobble. And it deff helps improve my calling. 

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True story. Many yrs back my cousin got some turkey chicks. A couple weeks later, I noticed one was strutting, so I grabbed my calls. I layed on the ground and did a aggressive purr. The little devil came over to kick my butt... I tease him for a minute or two, while we laughed at how "tuff" this little guy was. 

Fast forward a few months..  this bird remembered me.. every time I'd pull in, he'd come up to my truck strutting. Wasn't too bad until he got about 20 lbs. Thing had hooks 2" long.  He would wait for me to turn my back and he'd attack. Dan did he hurt.  

No this bird would only attack me. Didn't care about anyone else. He HATED me.

My brother borrowed my truck, and when he pulled into my cousins yard, he came a running. My brother got out of the truck, my brother said you could almost see the disappointment in his beatty little eyes when he realized it wasn't me.  Lol.  

Gosh I hated that bird. 

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