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Dove Hunting


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June 15, 2017

"Dear Mike:

Thank you for providing me copies of your petition in support of legislation that allows the hunting of mourning doves in New York State.

Assembly bill, A. 7778 directs the Commissioner of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to include the mourning dove whitin the definition of "migratory game bird" and to allow for their taking.  This bill remains in the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee.

I am very pleased to see the amount of signatures on the petition you have put together.  There is clearly interest in changing this law.  However, the 2017 Legislative Session is about to adjourn and this legislation lacks adequate legislative support at this time.  Although the 2017 Legislative Session is about to adjourn, this bill will remain active and the same bill number will be assigned to it for the 2018 session.

Again, thank you for your sincere interest in this legislation and your efforts in getting it approved.


Clifford W. Crouch

Member of Assembly

122nd District"

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I never had in issue with his resolution to get this passed. I did feel he was a tad overbearing, and hostile to people when he was trying to get something done. More flies with honey then vinegar.

That said, I sighed a petition he had going a couple years ago. I would sign another. I have said before, I would most likely never hunt Doves, but still want those who would to have the opportunity.

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21 minutes ago, grampy said:

Although this is something I probably would not do myself. I would support it 100%.

Ahhhh, here's the thing grampy..........it may not be for you but maybe your grandchildren will take a shining to it.   Like I said once or twice before (grin) you just can't imagine the fun time you can have hunting these birds; shooting, dog work and to top it off, excellent table fare.  Trust me........... :)

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How many of those things does it take to make a meal for a family of 4? I look at those things perched on the feeder and then try to visualize them reduced to just breast meat with no feathers, and to me it looks like perhaps a couple of bites per breast. As a survival meal, it may be worth doing, but as normal table fare, I can't picture where they would be worth the price of a shotgun shell.

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