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NY Bowhunters Unite!


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I'm for 12 year olds hunting across the board.. with every weapon in every season... supervised by a parent or gaurdian of course

SUPER- but remember those words next time you have that SUPER BUCK of a lifetime show himself to you and next thing you know, here comes dad and his gabby jaw-jacking 12 yr old along under your stand and Jr's bearing down on tree stumps and chipmunks. >:D

I have NEVER had that problem... LOL.. no offense but I'm astounded at what happens in some of the places where guys from this forum hunt...

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so at 14 when it is legal for them to hunt, they are less likely to be shot?  I believe if you were so worried about their safety, and it was that unsafe there, you would stay home and not chance getting shot yourself. More weak excuses to keep the young out of the woods so you have more time and deer to yourself or you are extremely paranoid, and should not be carrying a gun anyway.

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I myself haven't seen very many 14 year olds in the woods with or without a parent... or at least rogue 14 year olds... my friends and I have all been bringing our kids hunting with us since before they could carry a gun.. with no incidences what so ever. Not allowing younger kids to get involved in hunting because of an anticipation that something MIGHT happen seems ridiculous.

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so I guess I am confused here.  If a guy and his 12 year old son walk under your stand it is bad, but if the kid was home and the man walked under, it is ok?  If not, your  point is of no merit.  I would think either way the rack buck is gone. Just another case of greed and wanting the woods to one self.  I shake my head at some peoples logic and selfishness.  All the reasons a 12 year old will ruin his hunt. awww poor Wooly.  So far all I have heard is parents are irresponsible, a kid will shoot me and a kid will walk under my stand talking.  Pretty weak arguments.

Absolutely not the point I was getting at but yeah, to a point I don't want the woods to be ruined by young or old incompetance. If I'm putting on my best hunt and two yahoos of any age stroll along and flubb my hunt I'm gonna be ticked.

If I'm finding dead deer post season due to some newbs lack of followup experience and poor shot selection....I'm gonna be ticked.

Yes, if it takes away from the satisfaction I grew up knowing and time I've put into the sport....yes, I'm gonna be ticked.

Anyone that knows me knows i put alot into getting newbs into the outdoors, but that's not to be confused with my desire to keep some at bay and I don't believe that lifestyle begins with hunting.

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then I would suggest buy your own land never let anyone on and you can control it all that way.  Otherwise stop whining

Now you can't tell me in all your years as an instructor, you've never come across an incompetant individual or two who'd have done best to stay away from the sport, but still got their certificate....? ::D

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No if they were that incompetent, they did not get a certificate, so I did not try to keep them way, I kept them away.  My point was and still is the only reason you are against this is that it will ruin your  personal  hunt, not that 12 year olds are not capable of hunting with supervision, but 12 year old will infringe upon you.  My suggestion still stands buy land where no one can ruin your hunt and quit whining. 

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Wooly, maybe i grew up in some bygone era, but i recieved a bb gun when i was 10 and a .22 when i was 12. I had been shooting .22 in boyscouts since i was 10. I remember the first bird i shot with a bb gun and how bad i felt to this day! Unlike this law which requires the parent to be present, we were out back of the barn(my brothers and i that is) shooting old cans,lighters(trying to blow them up) woodchucks, pigions, ect we learned the hard way. Yes there are bad parents out there do you want a law to stop them from having kids? My oldest nephew is almost old enough to hunt he's 11 this fall. But he knows how to clean, handle, load,unload pistols,rifles, and shotguns. His modivation to learn how to read was to learn was so he could take the hunting exam so he could hunt with his dad and uncles. He helps skin and cut up deer. He goes out and sits and takes pictures of game with his camera (since he cant hunt he shoots them with his camera) He is ready to hunt and experiance what it is to take an animals life and the respect that one should show as such a moment. He'll be able to do this soon with a gun, why not let him try with a bow?  I know all kids are not the same as one of my hunting companions has a boy now 15 who he will still not allow to hunt as in his eyes hasn't learned and reached the maturity his father feels is nessisary. Although he accompany's his father on hunts and has taken his hunting course.  Yes there are parents that won't properly supervise their child but there are a lot moe that would like the ability to have the choice.  jmo.

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then I would suggest buy your own land never let anyone on and you can control it all that way.  Otherwise stop whining

Now you can't tell me in all your years as an instructor, you've never come across an incompetant individual or two who'd have done best to stay away from the sport, but still got their certificate....? ::D

there are 50 year olds like this out there...do we take away their ability to participate?

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No if they were that incompetent, they did not get a certificate, so I did not try to keep them way, I kept them away.  My point was and still is the only reason you are against this is that it will ruin your  personal  hunt, not that 12 year olds are not capable of hunting with supervision, but 12 year old will infringe upon you.  My suggestion still stands buy land where no one can ruin your hunt and quit whining.

Seriously, any of my responses were intended towards the original topic of discussion. This is already drifting far from that.

It aint about how much land I got or how many kids you've taught from your book of state regulated requirements. I've shown the way to quite a few of my own from the soul of my upbringing.

You got your likes and dislikes afield and so do I. I fault nobody for their beliefs and prefferences afield but don't Fart with mine. :D

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Wooly, maybe i grew up in some bygone era, but i recieved a bb gun when i was 10 and a .22 when i was 12. I had been shooting .22 in boyscouts since i was 10. I remember the first bird i shot with a bb gun and how bad i felt to this day! Unlike this law which requires the parent to be present, we were out back of the barn(my brothers and i that is) shooting old cans,lighters(trying to blow them up) woodchucks, pigions, ect we learned the hard way. Yes there are bad parents out there do you want a law to stop them from having kids? My oldest nephew is almost old enough to hunt he's 11 this fall. But he knows how to clean, handle, load,unload pistols,rifles, and shotguns. His modivation to learn how to read was to learn was so he could take the hunting exam so he could hunt with his dad and uncles. He helps skin and cut up deer. He goes out and sits and takes pictures of game with his camera (since he cant hunt he shoots them with his camera) He is ready to hunt and experiance what it is to take an animals life and the respect that one should show as such a moment. He'll be able to do this soon with a gun, why not let him try with a bow?  I know all kids are not the same as one of my hunting companions has a boy now 15 who he will still not allow to hunt as in his eyes hasn't learned and reached the maturity his father feels is nessisary. Although he accompany's his father on hunts and has taken his hunting course.  Yes there are parents that won't properly supervise their child but there are a lot moe that would like the ability to have the choice.  jmo.

Totally understood. You're the exception and not the rule but I do commend you for your success in the raising the boy to respect nature and all that has to do with it. 8)

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I am simply pointiong out the reasons you are against this are truly selfish and has nothing to do with the competency of 12 year olds.  Give some examples of how they would not be competent then maybe your arguments might have some credence.  Other wise it is still all about you.

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...  My suggestion still stands buy land where no one can ruin your hunt and quit whining.

That. Or a lease.

I wish I could have started my son earlier but he grew up before the current changes were in affect. I would support this bill. Even if it goes into affect it doesn't mean a child of age will take to archery as we understand it. The path the child does take to still requires nurturing, guidance and enthusiasm.

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so sad and btw you brought up my being an instructor and drifted off topic but good attempt to throw the attention away from you.  I would still like to see the examples of how 12 years are not capable of hunting.  I mean one guy is against this because the kids are more likely to get shot at 12 and you are against it because in infringes upon you.  I am glad to see most hunters have common sense. 

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I am simply pointiong out the reasons you are against this are truly selfish and has nothing to do with the competency of 12 year olds.  Give some examples of how they would not be competent then maybe your arguments might have some credence.  Other wise it is still all about you.

Bubba, now I know how Pat had so much fun messing with you,lol. :D

Plain and simple...you learn to walk before you talk and even after some learn to do both they still can't do it at the same time together. Throw bubblegum into the equation and we're all screwed.

Ask a 12 yo to learn all 3 at once and we become the victims of the multitasking creation we've created.

Baby 12yo hunting robots. :(

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I am simply pointiong out the reasons you are against this are truly selfish and has nothing to do with the competency of 12 year olds.  Give some examples of how they would not be competent then maybe your arguments might have some credence.  Other wise it is still all about you.


I don't know offhand how old you are, but at your age, if you can't figure that out for yourself than maybe that 12yo is one up on ya. :D

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another brilliant way to prove your point. great response.  And btw Pat loves messing withne because I give it right back. And just in case you dont know, you have not said anything intelligent yet, so I am sure the 12 year olds have it all over you.  Now until you can give an intelligent fact based argument to prove 12 year olds are not capable of hunting legally and ethically, I will not respond to your babble any longer. I will leave you with some advice my dad gave me years ago.  Please think about this and try it ok?  It is better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you know nothing, than to keep opening it and proving it. 

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Wooly, i understand your apprehension but for gun a lot more than bow. Well i can't say i'll see mass 12 year olds picking up a bow and bowhunting, for those who's parents have started them early and the kids have the love of archery it will be a nice benifit. For a kid just to pick up a bow and hunt is not going to happen especially if the parent is a slob, fist the kid had to pass the bowhunters course...just sitting thru a hunting course now is a true test of grit..i think mine was 4 hrs long now they're 10 + ?? and practice... wow any 12 year old that has the dedication to do that deserves the right to bow hunt!

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so at 14 when it is legal for them to hunt, they are less likely to be shot?  I believe if you were so worried about their safety, and it was that unsafe there, you would stay home and not chance getting shot yourself. More weak excuses to keep the young out of the woods so you have more time and deer to yourself or you are extremely paranoid, and should not be carrying a gun anyway.

You know Bubba I'll agree with you on the first part of the response. This is "me" and the value I put on my kids. I also don't let them play out in a lightning storm! Your second statement is foolish! I give every person that comes to hunt my property the best stands and let them choose what they want to shoot. I mentored a kid for two years at bow season sitting with him during the prime of the rut! Keeping the deer all to myself, I don't think so. You should think about your statements before posting.

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maybe you should also.  Your kids are more likely to get hurt riding in yur vehicle to go to camp than they are in the woods.  They have to experience the world sometime.

Take a kid fishing or hunting, you owe that much to mother nature!  Burt this is your signature. Is it there just for looks?

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