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Trail Cam article


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read the arcticle; agree and dissagree on some points.

agree: that this sport is addictive

dissagree: 1) "They're awesome cameras and so fast I actually catch birds flying by," he said.(reffering to Cuddeback) that's bull. I bird can be caught but another bird triggered the unit first.

2) "The better trail cams use subtle infrared technology rather than an incandescent flash that can spook animals away." Also far from the truth. I have both infrared and white flash and there is no contest. My best quality units all use white flash. I have yet to see a infrared or black flash camera that is even close to whilte flash units for image quality.

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I openly admit I have a serious amount of issues with the DEC.

That out of the way, no one found anything glaringly wrong with that article? Especially in that particular area?

That makes it official..really in print for everyone to see..no offense to the guy him self... what a smart son of a gun, but kiss the DEC back side and the word illegal goes out the window

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Sky, i agree very addictive, and ir or black flash suck for quality of image. i'll keep the white flash anytime!! Was kind of dissapointed they never mention setting up the camera's for the best pics, i had to learn the hardway hundreds of pics later, how close, how high, the right angle for a trial, it doesn't matter how fast, or how far a flash can go,or lack of flash ir/black flash the setup is a lot more important at least in my opinion....

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On March 28 at 11:20 p.m., a raccoon arrived to rummage through some  food scraps Dennis placed on the ground. One hour later, a possum was  photographed and at 8 a.m., a nice whitetail doe posed directly into the  lens. Also photographed were a blue jay and too many crows to count.

This illegal activity...did we not just have a few guys chastised on this  very sight.... over doing the very same thing?

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Can other wildlife, like songbirds, still be fed?


  Yes, if deer and moose are not attracted to the food, or it is inaccessible to them.

  Come on your really aren't going to act like you don't know the law when past posts clearly show you do...that's insulting.... Bye the way, the above quote is directly off the DEC sight
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This is also directly off the DEC site...


In New York, it is illegal to feed deer and moose by putting out any material that attracts them to feed.

There are five exceptions to the rule:

[*]Agricultural crops including wildlife food plots.

[*]Distribution of food to livestock.

[*]Distribution of food to captive deer and elk.

[*]Cutting of trees and brush.

[*]Scientific research, wildlife damage abatement, and wildlife  population reduction programs, but only under a permit issued by DEC. 

I'd bet even money he didn't have a permit for that news article feeding

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I don't think steak scraps are going to attract deer or moose, you only need worry about bear if they are in your area(against the new law).As for the previous posts showing corn,mineral licks on the ground and pics of deer eating them, yes that is against the law! You need to get the context and subject,and date of the illegal baiting photos, that is what people were bashing on, the blatant feeding of deer for photos(some with treestands in the background definalaty illegal)! Context its all about context!!

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I think many people who use trail cameras must use some sort of bait to get the animals to come around, be it a food plot or something else.  Those who nail them to any old tree probably get the least amount of pictures.  So again the DEC seems to be contradicting themselves as usual when they say that animals shouldn't be fed, yet they allow it for this and with food plots, etc.  This trail cam stuff actually has never done much for me.  I much prefer seeing wildlife photos that were taken by an actual person standing behind the lens.

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Here's another thing and more of the story can be looked up by Googling the guys name.....Now lets get some thing straight...READ the Law...I don't care if Dennis  put a pile of dung out there...if deer came and ate it...it was illegal...with the 5 above stated exceptions...also food plots are in that exception...seriously..your defending this

sent by the Deer Man's son, Frederick Bozek, on9/26/98        Hi Nancy,    

Sorry for not writing sooner, I've been out of state.     

      As for Andy's court case the judge ruled that by him placing bread and

      corn on the picnic table to feed the birds and squirrels he was found

      guility of "Attracting Deer".    

Judge Smith stated that if any food of any type, no matter      who put it

      there or how it got there it's up to the land owner to police it up so

      not to attract deer.    

So if you have an apple tree within 300 feet of a Highway      and you have

      deer feeding on the apples that have fallen to the ground, you can be

      arrested for attracting deer. He stated it's up to the land owner to

      keep the apples off the ground.    

Andy was fined $25.00 and appelled the court. We are still      waiting for a

      new court date, which another judge in Herkimer will hear the case.

      Thanks again for your help letting the WORLD know of Andy's injustice of

      a badly written law.    

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Gee and why is he doing this?

North has won prizes in trail camera contests sponsored by Cuddeback, his favorite brand.[/b]]

Also no where in that article did they mention steak scraps...so please where did you get that from?....It did mention  this...

Also photographed were a blue jay and too many crows to count.
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Ok so put out a dead animal or a side of beef, again not attracting deer or moose not against the law, everything mentioned on the picnic table would attract deer and would be acessable, the apple would as well... still nothing wrong with writer puting out food scraps for racoon(and if the date was in feb when season open wouln't be an issue at all) as long as deer, moose(and bear if in area) would not eat it. Not defending anything just using reading comprehension of the stated law...

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OH my God ...reading  comprehension!...OK try this....

and at 8 a.m., a nice whitetail doe posed directly into the lens.

That PLAINLY made it illegal,period. There isn't any way you can talk your self around the FACT that he put out "scraps" and a deer came into them.

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