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Eagles at coyote bait piles?

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I've been surveying eagles in the northern Catskills in an area where you would expect small numbers. Since early February - at least - there have been very large numbers in the area. There is no large water nearby, or any visible food source. I've been trying to identify a food source without success.

I have a simple question for the coyote hunters who use bait, is it common to have eagles visit your spot?   

Edited by Curmudgeon
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We had one show up on 10/30/2017 in WMU 9f on the other side of the state.  My daughter took the photo out of the window that I have shot coyotes from.   It was on the pile where I throw all my butchering remains.


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14 hours ago, Curmudgeon said:

I've been surveying eagles in the northern Catskills in an area where you would expect small numbers. Since early February - at least - there have been very large numbers in the area. There is no large water nearby, or any visible food source. I've been trying to identify a food source without success.

I have a simple question for the coyote hunters who use bait, is it common to have eagles visit your spot?   

Start shooting the coyotes, you have until the 26th.

Edited by chas0218
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Maybe the eagles are eating the deer carcasses the coyotes provide.

I have been seeing quite a few on the Delaware near Hamden and Delhi now that it's no longer frozen.  Good fishing now I suppose.

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Eagles are scavengers.. and that is why Ben Franklin was so against them becoming the national symbol. ( no he didn't want the turkey either) he preferred a falcon a hunter. Other members were against the falcon as that was in common use in Europe and they just faught a war to leave European influences.

Ben was so upset with the eagle that he penned a letter stating if we're were going .to use a scavenger then we might as well pick the turkey as it was at least a good protective mother to its young.. and the.myth of him wanting the turkey was born. ( read the entire coresponding letters if you don't believe me) like so much on this site taken out of context and offending people..

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31 minutes ago, G-Man said:

Eagles are scavengers.. and that is why Ben Franklin was so against them becoming the national symbol.

As far as I know, Eagles are classified as birds of prey.  Haven't you ever seen film of them fly over water and pull a fish out?  Sure, they can be scavengers, too, but what animal isn't, including humans??  Put an easy meal out there and it won't be long before something helps themselves to it.




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Bald eagles will take advantage of carrion (dead and decaying flesh), giving it a scavenger image, which causes some people to dislike eagles. Other people do not care for powerful and aggressive birds; while some object merely on the grounds that it is a bird of prey which kills other animals for food

as for their fishing activities.. they take fish floating or near the surface which is usually a dead.or dying fish. Though they will take live top feeders they are going to as you say take the easiest meal. Scavenging.  Falcons do not. Hence Franklin's aversion to the eagle

Edited by G-Man
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