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Creating Bear Habitat


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Anyone think burying a cement culvert and creating a stone entrance would work as a "Pop-Up" hibernation spot?

ł'm thinking, bury it a few feet below grade, make sure there is drainage so it doesnt have rising water and create an entrance that resembles a natural fissure.

Then brush it in with a a thicket of blue/black/raspberry...

Something tells me this would work.

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I am mixed about encouraging beers (oops, bears) to frequent the area. I love bears and bear hunting, and would like to have the occ. sighting, but a lot of the time bears and camps don't mix.

A friend of mine (now passed), was highly knowledgeable on bears, was a veterinarian and hunted them twice yearly, learned everything he could on them. I took his knowledge as gospel. He stated bears were unable to live anywhere there weren't blueberries.... that may have been a bit absolute, but where you find them is dependent on a wild berry crop and mast more than anything else. My guess is if you don't have appropriate bear sustaining habitat, you wouldn't keep the bears.

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We have bear on the property. Some years more than I care for. The years when corn and berries are plentiful they are around. As for making a den I have not seen one in our area but we have some spots that have so many blowdowns that I hear they will den up in these areas. I might try doing a big pile of blowdowns and see if it works. If it doesn't I'll use it as a deer blind!

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