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Ignorance in America

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How dare poeple post political thoughts on a political forum.

Bubba, I think they should have a thread for just Politics period. Not to confuse hunting and politics being lumped together. That way if you see a post under the politics section you know it has nothing to do with hunting. And we know who we can put in charge of that thread. Just my humble opinion.


Dave, we already have that  :):D :D

Its called the Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussion forum, which this thread is in.

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Its called the Gun and Hunting Laws and [glow=red,2,300]Politics Discussion[/glow] forum, which this thread is in.

What he said.


If all you have to do is poke it with a stick then leave it well enough alone.

I may not agree with all of VJPs posts or opinions or the opinions of anyone on here for that matter but i don't go around pissing on there shoes just for the hell of it.

If you don't like the conversation stay out of it.

Now back to the conversation.

There is no accountability in the government. Without accountability they will piss away what they have and then turn to you for more. They will never accept blame for there actions or try and correct it by changing course.

As for the "what this has to do with hunting" question - EVERYTHING. It was already stated - no firearms - no hunting. But maybe if you are a member of NY Bowhunters that is what you want, a bow only season. But i am sure once someone died due to a broad-head in the back the bows would be the next thing on the chopping block.

Finally VJP as for your view on plucking feathers and slowly eroding the rights. There is only one branch of the government who would be organized enough to carry that out, The military and i don't think they have turned against there own country.

I trully believe that these people have such a twisted reality or are so out of touch with it that they believe they are doing what is best. They are eroding our rights but its not what i would consider a organized effort. Other than groups like HUSU or PETA.

The best advice i can give anyone is educate yourself. The more you can put someone on the spot and make them prove it the better off you will be. Hold government officials accountable or its only going to get worse.

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Youve never hear the expression regarding throwing stones and glass houses?  [img alt=::)]http://huntingny.com/forums/Smileys/akyhne/rolleyes.gif[/img]

The only axe I have to grind with you is because you dont do much more than talk down to people and throw out insults here in the political forum. You are just another internet troll.

WNY, you are funny.  Your first post on this thread was another of your blanket defenses for VJP, kindly requesting that everyone refrain from personal attacks.  My post stating that the personal attacks come from both directions seems to have set you off.  And, yes, I am familiar with the expression you used- I responded the way I did because I thought it was funny that it would be used in such a hypocritical way. 

If you and some of the others are so upset that anyone might dare not agree with everyting you write, or does not follow the NRA bylaws like they are the bible, then maybe you should rename this forum.  Maybe you should give it a name that more clearly states what you're hoping to accomplish with this forum- some kind of title that makes it clear that only certain opinions will be tolerated on the forum.

As for your other accusations- I honestly have never heard the term 'internet troll', so I can't address that one.  I don't think that I talk down to anyone.  I think you guys are just easily riled up by anyone who doesn't agree with you.

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How dare poeple post political thoughts on a political forum.

Bubba, I think they should have a thread for just Politics period. Not to confuse hunting and politics being lumped together. That way if you see a post under the politics section you know it has nothing to do with hunting. And we know who we can put in charge of that thread. Just my humble opinion.


What about the political stuff that does have something to do with hunting? It's much easier for us not to have to babysit you Dave and you can just avoid the threads you don't like on your own... or maybe John can rebuild the whole forum so that it meets your needs... and then after that he can check with you to make sure it meets your approval... It must be terrible not to be able to resist the temptation to click your mouse on a thread that doesn't even interest you.

Joe, thanks for supporting me in this matter , I didn't know you cared so much. Never see you go out of your way for the rest of the members. You must truly like me. You are my new best friend. Lets do lunch one of these days.


Well I certainly don't dislike you.. I don't even know you ... I'm not real keen on your opinions, but that doesn't mean you aren't a good guy...Lunch would be good.. my treat

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Elmer, you spent your time analyzing over 80 of my posts and you're accusing me of being an 'internet troll'?  That's funny.  Go back to sleep.

I've read probably all your posts as you post them. It wasn't hard to verify what I was getting at by checking to see if you had any posts with contributions. 2 minutes, 5 pages and I found NONE. How liberal of you. Every single person that has ever disagreed with anyone in here has at least contributed to this forum by sharing experiences, advice, etc.

  Troll = google is your friend. Implying you post just to get reactions and spin peoples wheels. Again the thread title "Ignorance in America" , go figure...

  Congrats on posting over the weekend, must've been at work...

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How liberal of you. Every single person that has ever disagreed with anyone in here has at least contributed to this forum by sharing experiences, advice, etc.

My experience tells me that the right wing position is not always the right position on all issues.  My advice is to not always be so narrow-minded; try considering the fact that there are other Americans,(hunters and non-hunters), who have opinions that are different from your own, but equally valid.  Another piece of advice- try not getting so upset when someone disagrees with you; if you're so freaked out by opposing views, stay on the propaganda sites that aren't open forums.

I'm sure that your last line was another attempt at a personal dig.  No, I wasn't at work over the weeekend; just checking my email. 

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Youve never hear the expression regarding throwing stones and glass houses?  [img alt=::)]http://huntingny.com/forums/Smileys/akyhne/rolleyes.gif[/img]

The only axe I have to grind with you is because you dont do much more than talk down to people and throw out insults here in the political forum. You are just another internet troll.

WNY, you are funny.  Your first post on this thread was another of your blanket defenses for VJP, kindly requesting that everyone refrain from personal attacks.  My post stating that the personal attacks come from both directions seems to have set you off.  And, yes, I am familiar with the expression you used- I responded the way I did because I thought it was funny that it would be used in such a hypocritical way. 

If you and some of the others are so upset that anyone might dare not agree with everyting you write, or does not follow the NRA bylaws like they are the bible, then maybe you should rename this forum.  Maybe you should give it a name that more clearly states what you're hoping to accomplish with this forum- some kind of title that makes it clear that only certain opinions will be tolerated on the forum.

As for your other accusations- I honestly have never heard the term 'internet troll', so I can't address that one.  I don't think that I talk down to anyone.  I think you guys are just easily riled up by anyone who doesn't agree with you.

FYI, I am not, and have not ever used a "blanket defense" or any real defense at all for VJP. I dont even necessarily agree with his posts, but he does have a right to post them without people launching personal attacks on him every time. Like I said before, argue and debate the subject all you want, I dont care if you agree with it or not.

As for the title of the forum, its fine as is.

I suggest you figure out what an internet troll is, because your picture should go beside the definition. All you do is talk down to people on here, maybe you dont even realize you are doing it, but you are.

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I suggest you figure out what an internet troll is, because your picture should go beside the definition. All you do is talk down to people on here, maybe you dont even realize you are doing it, but you are.

I just looked up a definition- what I saw described someone who posts inflammatory statements for the purpose of upsetting the other posters. 

No.  I think you're just a little thin-skinned.  I simply post opinions that don't always agree with the original poster's.  If that's against the rules, then you should either re-title the forum or share your thoughts with each other through private emails.

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I suggest you figure out what an internet troll is, because your picture should go beside the definition. All you do is talk down to people on here, maybe you dont even realize you are doing it, but you are.

I just looked up a definition- what I saw described someone who posts inflammatory statements for the purpose of upsetting the other posters. 

No.  I think you're just a little thin-skinned.  I simply post opinions that don't always agree with the original poster's.  If that's against the rules, then you should either re-title the forum or share your thoughts with each other through private emails.

Oh and calling someone racist for no reason isnt inflammatory? Calling people idiots, etc isnt inflammatory? Riiiight.

Like I said, no rules against disagreeing, but the personal attacks in every thread is ridiculous and needs to stop.

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How liberal of you. Every single person that has ever disagreed with anyone in here has at least contributed to this forum by sharing experiences, advice, etc.

My experience tells me that the right wing position is not always the right position on all issues.  My advice is to not always be so narrow-minded; try considering the fact that there are other Americans,(hunters and non-hunters), who have opinions that are different from your own, but equally valid.  Another piece of advice- try not getting so upset when someone disagrees with you; if you're so freaked out by opposing views, stay on the propaganda sites that aren't open forums.

I'm sure that your last line was another attempt at a personal dig.  No, I wasn't at work over the weeekend; just checking my email.

Liberal positions are only valid if you can prove them valid... something you haven't been able to do.. just stating your opinion does not make it valid

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Liberal positions are only valid if you can prove them valid... something you haven't been able to do.. just stating your opinion does not make it valid

Oh and calling someone racist for no reason isnt inflammatory? Calling people idiots, etc isnt inflammatory? Riiiight.

Like I said, no rules against disagreeing, but the personal attacks in every thread is ridiculous and needs to stop.

The same goes for conservative opinions- and posting rhetorical propaganda from biased sources does not prove an opinion to be accurate either.

Calling someone an idiot may have been out of line.  I was frustrated with the racist statement, and then with the ridiculous defense of it.  Spin it however you want, it was a racist statement.  I'm sure that none of the people who defended that statement would say such a thing in the presence of an African American person- and that's because they know it's offensive and would cause a reaction.  Hiding behind the anonimity of the internet takes it from being simply racist, to being cowardly.

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  making an attempt to validate your position would help... name calling is not arguing your opinion... I believe the title of this thread fits you perfectly virgil    I couldn't care less what you believe.  I stated my position clearly. Your failure to acknowledge my point, or the fact that you don't agree with it, is not my problem or my concern.

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  making an attempt to validate your position would help... name calling is not arguing your opinion... I believe the title of this thread fits you perfectly virgil    I couldn't care less what you believe.  I stated my position clearly. Your failure to acknowledge my point, or the fact that you don't agree with it, is not my problem or my concern.

You obviously care what everyone believes.. you keep replying to them..lol

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You obviously care what everyone believes.. you keep replying to them..lol

Once again, you have misinterpreted according to what you'd like to believe.  I reply because I believe it's important to show that not everyone shares some of the extreme positions and beliefs that are posted on this site.  Then, I defend myself when all of you freak out.

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Calling someone an idiot may have been out of line.  I was frustrated with the racist statement, and then with the ridiculous defense of it.  Spin it however you want, it was a racist statement.  I'm sure that none of the people who defended that statement would say such a thing in the presence of an African American person- and that's because they know it's offensive and would cause a reaction.  Hiding behind the anonimity of the internet takes it from being simply racist, to being cowardly.

No matter how you spin it, it was not racist in any way shape or form. But lets not get that far off topic.

Glad to see you can admit you were wrong on the idiot thing though.

In any case, I dont want to sit here and argue, just asking that people cool their jets a bit on throwing nothing but personal insults into a thread.

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Buck, I agree , I think the insults start after a sarcastic comment especially if it's of a personal nature. The sarcasm usually evoked this type of give and take and then it gets out of hand. We should keep to the topic and answer without sarcasm or insults.


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Being married to a teacher in an inner city school in one of the larger cities in Upstate New York, the number one problem is lack of parental involvement.  School is treated like daycare, and school employees are given no respect.

I regularly volunteer at school functions for her, and at their annual outing to a local state park I bring several fishing poled, tackle, and worms and help the kids’ fish.  For many it’s their first time and they all seem to enjoy it.  I usually help out 20-30 kids within a four hour period.  They catch anything from sunfish and perch to small mouth bass and rainbow trout.  Spend a little time with these kids and they’ll surprise you.  Unfortunately they don’t have this kind of role model at home or in their neighborhood.

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Lol ..... I almost forgot what the original topic was all about  :) .

Looking back, I find some of the results of the survey that was originally referred to, kind of appalling, but not terribly surprising given the torture that the educational system has undergone over the years. I can't think of any system that has become such fertile grounds for constant blind experimentation and churning. Whether we are talking about discipline, order or curriculum, it's great to be a bit progressive in approaches to education, but how about hanging on to a few fundamentals here and there?

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Lol ..... I almost forgot what the original topic was all about  :) .

Looking back, I find some of the results of the survey that was originally referred to, kind of appalling, but not terribly surprising given the torture that the educational system has undergone over the years. I can't think of any system that has become such fertile grounds for constant blind experimentation and churning. Whether we are talking about discipline, order or curriculum, it's great to be a bit progressive in approaches to education, but how about hanging on to a few fundamentals here and there?

Exactly.. maybe something like Reading  ;D ... seems that somehow kids have a tough time with that these days... It amazes me how anyone can graduate from high school not knowing how to read!! How does a teacher miss that one??

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I'm 42 years old and while in school I couldn't read until 7th grade.  Same with a friend of mine that was my age.  His father taught us to read over the summer.  It's easy to fake it; the teacher's have their hands full.  I'm glad to say that I went on to graduate, and have since accumulated several college degrees.  I'll be graduating again this spring.  Education should never end.

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