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Another black eye for hunters


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This guy near Ithaca shot a bald eagle that came in to his bait pile of dead deer because he thought it was a turkey vulture. Huh? Killing vultures is illegal. Baiting with deer you do not legally possess is illegal. Mistaking an eagle for a vulture at shooting range is really hard to do, even if it's a juvenile bald eagle. 


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He is facing three charges:

1) illegal taking of protected wildlife , penalty could be up to a $250 fine or up to 15 days in jail or both

2) illegal taking of wild birds, penalty could be up to a $250 fine or up to 15 days in jail or both

3) illegal taking of a bald eagle, penalty for a first offense is up to a $5,000 fine or up to 90 days in jail or both

I hope the town justice makes an example of him!


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