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Chronic wasting disease cure

Water Rat

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Pretty interesting concept but can't help but wonder why the emphasis is on saving elk and deer first and then humans.

Seems like they could do some parallel testing especially if it could possibly lead to the cure of Alzhheimer's, ALS,

and Parkinson's

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i've heard from well respected folks who are plugged into what's going on and whitetail biologists. unfortunately it's a political and to get a boost in funds to do research but it's likely not going to lead to what's been said.  Phade brought up a good point that if what they say is true then curing people would be first on the list, not last with deer farms being a higher priority.

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Hang on, Hes throwing stuff out there like "extinction of elk and deer" and the sport of hunting going away. There are plenty of other CWD positive states that have had CWD for longer than PA has, and the deer and elk populations in those states are fine. While I applaud the work they are doing, and a cure would be great, theres a whole lot of scare tactics being thrown out there.

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