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Hurricane Lee's rain puts me under


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Some of you guys remeber the pics from hurricane Irene where my woods / deer cam turned into a duck cam when the 1st hurricane came through. Well I left that cam that day where it had been thinking the water from the hurricane was history.

This morning after torrential rain all night the water had come up higher than before and I tried to get out and rescue that camera. I was venturing out in the dark with flashlight in hand and was rebuffed by high water even with chest waders on, but I made a second attempt later approaching from higher ground before walking in. With a 4 1/2 ft high current of water coming towards me I was able to get to the sapling tree that trophy cam was set on, all without really fearing for my life.

As I approached the spot, the cam was not visible. Putting my hand down in the water where it was mounted I felt the unit and removed it from the tree about 10 inches under. It was likely submerged for hours before I got to it. Now the weight seemed similar to what I was used to with a load of 8AA batteries so I was optimistic that I might have got lucky and the cam didn't take on water.

Opening the unit up when I got home there was only a small amount of water present. Inspecting the SD card revealed it had taken pictures of my venture all the way home. Cuddos to Bushnell and Boly Media who made the 1st 2009 trophy cams as they appear to be built Ford tough.

1st pic is me walking away after reseting the cam after the 1st hurricane. 2nd pic was taken this morning right after I pulled it from under the water. I got lucky :drinks:



Edited by skyhunter
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You should let Bushnell know the quality of their camera . Nice recovery ! Glad you are safe...

The wife and I have a reservation for a week at Villa Roma in Callicoon . Not sure of how well they have fared there . I would imagine the Deleware river must have raised quite a bit .

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No underwater pics; that was a surprise.

Yea, when I went out in the morning in the dark with the chest waders on and stumbled and then went in the drink for a spell, I did think what the heck am I doing here.

But I also had a P41 homebrew in harms way, so I aint crazy. :D

Edited by skyhunter
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