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Spikes Grow Up Too!

Cabin Fever

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I don't remember if I posted these pics last year or not. Thought it was interesting, and with all the new members since last year, I thought I would share anyway.

I got a pic of a piebald spike back in '06. In '07, I had the trailcam back in the exact same tree and got a couple more pics of the piebald and he was sporting a decent 8pt rack. Never saw him again or heard of anyone in the area seeing or taking him.

Just goes to show that spikes grow up too! There's no denying, this is not the same buck.




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Usually, but not always... spikes are just late born deer that have a lot of catching up to do as far as body growth.. hence most of what they eat goes to getting them to body size.. leaving little for rack growth in the first couple years... once their body catches up... their racks will begin to grow as well.. unless of course the food source is limited.

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  • 2 years later...

How the hell did this post get resurrected after almost 3 years?? :biggrin:


My last pic was from 2007. I was talking to a neighbor in 2012 about bucks that seem to fall off the face of the earth and mentioned this piebald. He showed me a pic of another neighbor (~2 miles away) with the piebald that he killed during gun season in 2007! Sure enough! It was this one! Guess that explains his absence over the past few years!

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