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10 point-Biggest bow buck I've ever got!!!


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I got this buck on the opening Saturday of the 2011 Bow season! He is a monster 10 point. 19 1/4" width and 10 " G2 tines. He field dressed at 202 pounds. I am in the process of scoring him and it look like in the low 130's!

When I woke to the rainy weather, I wasn't sure whether to go out or not. I decided why not, I'll go to the one stand I placed near a 20 acre Pine thicket surrounded on one side by corn and the other side by an overgrown golden rod thicket. I figured with the rain and wind they might be bedded near the Pines. Boy did I call that one perfect!!

At about 8:15am, I noticed a small tree about 60-70 yards away going back and forth vigorously! I watched it for a few minutes but couldn't tell what was making it do that. All of sudden I saw horns going up and down on the tree. I stood up in my stand, grabbed my bow and blew my grunt and snort wheeze at the buck! All of a sudden at a steady walk he started walking right toward me, huffing and puffing with his chest out and horns held high. I started to shake like the tree I was in(b/c of the wind). He stopped at about 45 yards, looked around and guess what" He laid down behind a downed tree". I didn't know what to do? He laid there for over an hour. All I could do was watch him. I didn't have a good shot. I then had to try and calm myself back down. At about 9:20am, I was going to break some sticks in the tree to get him up. Then I spotted movement to my left and down another trail comes 4 small Does. Those Does came right in and milled around my stand. The Buck spotted them and got up! He started chasing the Does around my stand for about 5 minutes. I couldn't get him to stop. Finally, the one Doe laid down and he started nudging her with his horns to get up. He was broadside at about (I figured to be 30 yards). I had some small brush in the way but I had some openings. I drew back and whack, I smoked him! He kicked out(ran over the Doe-she limped away) and ran through the woods like a freight train. I never heard him go down. I was going to give him awhile to start tracking but right then the old heavens opened up. I had to get down before all my blood trail would be washed away! I got down and found my Carbon arrow with the RAGE broadhead(bright red blood with bubbles) I knew I hit lung. I started tracking and found gobs of blood here and there but not constant. I got to the Golden Rod field and lost all sign of blood.(the rain seemed to be washing it away) I started doing small circles in the field and nothing. I was bummed. I lost my father this past spring so I looked up in the sky and said Dad help me out, you got a heck of a better view than I got. Where is he? W/in 30 seconds, I had this thought to go North alittle in the field and then ver to the West and head towards this briar patch. All of a sudden I walked up on a spot where he fell down and blood was everywhere. I went another 20 yards and again he fell over. I looked into the Briar patch and there he was all piled up! I will say this, my father helped me find that deer! It was pouring rain and I needed alittle faith! That buck went over 150 yards on a complete cutoff of his diaphram, one lung and the top of his heart. Amazing! This is the biggest bow buck I've ever got and probably will for a long time. I love hunting!




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Great buck and story!! Did you get the buck there where you are from, Walworth? Nice to have another 8F'er on the forum! LOL

Sorry about your Dad. Did he hunt also? Tough stuff, I know...

Hi!It's nice to see an 8F'r here also. I got the deer in Walworth. I hunt in Clyde on my brother's farm also. Good luck this weekend!

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